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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is this worth playing?


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Punctuation would make your question a little more tolerable to read and less bleeding from the eyes.


If you don't like Sith Warrior right now, you might not like it later. My SW is level 28 right now, my SI made 50 today.


Prior to launch, I thought the Warrior was going to be the least desired class for me to play, but I've made a LS and DS version because I like the story so much. I prefer Juggernaut over Marauder, but I'm playing both. My SI is 10k DS point sorcerer.


If you could explain -with punctuation, capitalization and those other grammar niceties- what it is you don't like about SW and what you do like about SI, we could probably help you better.

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Not to hijack this thread for my own purposes (Well maybe just a little), but I feel I can clarify the OP's question through a few of mine.


First and foremost, I love the idea of the sith warrior. I am currently a lvl 20 vengeance juggernaut. I love Vette in all her sassy glory and the storyline is pretty interesting. So now for my questions which hopefully also highlight the OP's concerns:


1) Is the story just a general quest for power or is it directed towards taking out several key Sith/jedi that stand in our way? Darth Baras just told me the name of a certain jedi and his apprentice who seem like excellent targets.


2) Does the juggernaut dps pvp get better at high levels? Quite honestly, I am tired of getting kited or force jumping onto someone only to have him or one of his friends knock me back. I cannot fathom why knockbacks don't fill your resolve bar so you can't be chain knocked.


Thanks in advance for answers!

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Not to hijack this thread for my own purposes (Well maybe just a little), but I feel I can clarify the OP's question through a few of mine.


First and foremost, I love the idea of the sith warrior. I am currently a lvl 20 vengeance juggernaut. I love Vette in all her sassy glory and the storyline is pretty interesting. So now for my questions which hopefully also highlight the OP's concerns:


1) Is the story just a general quest for power or is it directed towards taking out several key Sith/jedi that stand in our way? Darth Baras just told me the name of a certain jedi and his apprentice who seem like excellent targets.


2) Does the juggernaut dps pvp get better at high levels? Quite honestly, I am tired of getting kited or force jumping onto someone only to have him or one of his friends knock me back. I cannot fathom why knockbacks don't fill your resolve bar so you can't be chain knocked.


Thanks in advance for answers!


Won't spoil number 1, I'll just say it gets much better as you go along.


For 2, the DPS PvP gets pretty good as Rage. Vengeance is a terrible spec to play as.


Also, Knockbacks do fill your resolve bar

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For 2, the DPS PvP gets pretty good as Rage. Vengeance is a terrible spec to play as.


Also, Knockbacks do fill your resolve bar


Knockbacks fill it? hmm...I could have sworn I've been knockbacked repeatedly in a 3 sec window. I guess I must be mistaken. Thanks for bringing it to my knowledge.


As for rage pvp, I looked through all the points and it seems Rage pvp is all about setting up your smash whereas vengeance seems like it would have multiple decent damage abilities that you can weave together to output just as much damage as rage. Plus the unstoppable talent sounds like it would solve my knockback problem and give me 20% damage reduction to boot. But I don't want the OP's thread to devolve into another pissing contest between rage and vengeance juggs so I will try out rage as well and see if it fits my playstyle. Thanks for the input.

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