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Everyone Gets in Today, even if you preorder right now.


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So basically, you could of avoided all this drama, ordered today, and still got in today. After today's waves, everyone who preorders up to the 20th, get in instantly.


killmenext dan termani


@Rockjaw If I enter a preorder code after the last wave goes out and everyone is in early access will it automatically let me in then?

1 hour ago

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Stephen Reid

@Rockjaw Stephen Reid

@killmenext There will be a small delay as the code is redeemed and we invite you.

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Just like Bioware's CS told me there would be a short delay as they reviewed my information to correct my pre-order problem.


That was 17 days ago. Got a ticket TODAY asking me to send the information for a 6th time.


Good thing I got another retailer to issue me a code the 13th - otherwise that "short delay" would have me miss EGA in it's entirety.

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Hope not, and how could they not be ready? They know how many pre-orders they've had CE's etc. They know how many people they would like per server, it's really simplistic math we all learned around 2nd grade 2+2 / 2. Not difficult to approximate what so ever.


I like Bioware, I like SW:TOR hence why I pre-ordered the CE, but when I'm sitting here looking at a 175$ box and can't get into the early access, it's a big *** and this has been quite a horrible implementation seeing how the companies that were supposed to be giving codes out etc dropped the ball worse than these guys have.

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