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Darth Maul in Star Wars: The Clone Wars


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I didn't see a reactor core explosion when maul fell unlike sidious so there probably wasn't an explosion for maul.


In the expanded universe it's sort of heavily implied that all force users that are dark enough explode on death, like Sidious did.


The clone of C'baoth for example, and *cough* the last boss of the foundry.



Also the whole "can't be killed by a padawan" line is total BS. Sith aren't like starcraft cerebrates that needs to be killed by dark templars, anyone that is skilled enough to whack one will do.


And Obi-Wan cut him in half ffs, that's MORE than skilled enough, that was pretty much a curbstomp.

Edited by Morticoccus
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To me, Darth Maul is dead, don't send me a link or say anything about the book i honestly don't give a **** about that EU crap in this case.


If he "Survived" falling down a reactor core after getting cut IN HALF to escape though a vent or some ****, how? "Oh i have been cut in half, im going to somehow crawl through a vent"


If he could apparently survive getting his *** cut in half and thrown down a bit, why doesn't one of the most ****** Jedi get to live after a stab, Qui-Gon Jinn, Much rather see him alive then some random *** character that appears for 10 mins as an assassin and gets cut in half, then turns into some crazy *** mentally insane half robot bastard.

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To me, Darth Maul is dead, don't send me a link or say anything about the book i honestly don't give a **** about that EU crap in this case.


If he "Survived" falling down a reactor core after getting cut IN HALF to escape though a vent or some ****, how? "Oh i have been cut in half, im going to somehow crawl through a vent"


If he could apparently survive getting his *** cut in half and thrown down a bit, why doesn't one of the most ****** Jedi get to live after a stab, Qui-Gon Jinn, Much rather see him alive then some random *** character that appears for 10 mins as an assassin and gets cut in half, then turns into some crazy *** mentally insane half robot bastard.


Qui-Gon Jinn isn't a Sith. Darth Maul is literally living because of his hatred similiar to Simus and Darth Sion. The Jedi don't use the dark side and also, they accept death unlike Darth Maul obviously.


Like I said, it's not a matter of how powerful in the Force one has to be, it's how much hatred you have and your rejection of death.

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It works like this.


Jedi: Succumb to wounds more easily, and don't have any life dragging out effects, but live eternally though the force.


Sith: Can last long and sometimes stave off wounds and old age for as long as they want, but eventually when they die, they go into a black void of madness.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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lol ya it was a pretty cool how they brought maul back. I actually just started watching this cartoon a few weeks ago and i'm really enjoying it. I really like how it does'nt just stick with anakin, obi, and the jedi. I like all the side stories like that bald girl( i forgot her name). I'm really looking forward to next weeks episode.
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now they are going to bring jango fett back and say the jango fett in episode 2 was just a clone trooper following count dooku's orders. :/ darth maul shouldn't even exist after episode 1.


He already does. There's this one comic where Darth Vader is fighting a doppleganger of Darth Maul.

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To me, Darth Maul is dead, don't send me a link or say anything about the book i honestly don't give a **** about that EU crap in this case.


If he "Survived" falling down a reactor core after getting cut IN HALF to escape though a vent or some ****, how? "Oh i have been cut in half, im going to somehow crawl through a vent"


If he could apparently survive getting his *** cut in half and thrown down a bit, why doesn't one of the most ****** Jedi get to live after a stab, Qui-Gon Jinn, Much rather see him alive then some random *** character that appears for 10 mins as an assassin and gets cut in half, then turns into some crazy *** mentally insane half robot bastard.


This isn't EU, this is as cannon as the films, coming from George himself.

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Same! So pumped, I was a little let down by this week, but it seems like an introduction to Maul, and next week will be where the real action takes place.


According to wookieepedia, Obi-Wan teams up with Asajj Ventress. So expect a 2 vs. 2 lightsaber duel with Maul and Savage against Obi-Wan and Ventress.

Edited by Aitix
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Honestly when we have Darth Vader, Sion, and Simus surviving wounds that I think any one with some common sense and a basic understanding of human anatomy would find worse then just being bisected and falling down a pit, I think Maul's survival is pretty believable.


Let's look at it this way. Sith will survive through any unnatural means either by the pure intensity of their emotions driving them, through the darkest of rituals, or by simply drowning themselves in the Dark Side. Considering they go to Star Wars Hell once they die and their spirit leaves the natural world I think they have good reason to always survive or at least attach their spirits to certain objects or planets.

Edited by Forgon
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I just recently watched the Brothers episode today and I found it disturbing in a number of ways. One thing I found really stupid was that they used the Son's line of, "The chains are the easy part, it's what goes on here that's hard," as a psychotic rant for Maul. It is obvious that Maul and the Son are both done by Sam Witwer (A.K.A Secret Apprentice) but I find it really unecessary to have two different characters saying the same lines. The other thing I don't get is how Maul went from being insane to at least halfway normal just by Savage asking, "Who did this too you?" I mean come on insanity takes years to get rid of and sometimes you can't get rid of it at all. It also seems like they are just going to bring all the dead characters in Star Wars back to life in this TV series.


^ Proof that Star Wars fans are never happy..


I like the part where your suddenly have a PHD in Psychology and can easily make blanket statements on the nature of insanity.


Before you whine, watch the full story arc. It is obvious that Maul is insane, and the only thing that brings any normalcy to his shattered existence is Revenge.


When talking to Maul the only thing he can think about is Revenge. Ask him how the weather is, and he will probably just mumble and talk to himself. Ask him how he plans to kill Obiwan, and he will suddenly resort back to the cold methodically killer he once was, and give you a play by play on how he is going to do it.


maul was cut in half and annhilated with a reactor core, he should'nt even be in any star wars episodes at all!


Oh, because suddenly you know the layout of a Naboo Reactor Core and how it functions. :rolleyes:

Edited by Darth__Carnal
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I didn't see a reactor core explosion when maul fell unlike sidious so there probably wasn't an explosion for maul.


no, he just lost half his body, impossible to survive that without taking care of, even if he get help its like 10% chance of surviving.

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What?....Ok first thats a ridiculous statement, a warrior is a warrior they can die in any shape or form. Second, Obi-Wan wasn't a padawan...in title? Yes, in skill? No in skill he was a jedi knight.


Titles are everything ... besides he still had his rat tail... maybe it had something magical and forcy to do with that ... the rat tail suppressed your power obi hate to say it but there is a chance maul is still alive...too bad you did not die instead of liam neeson. :D


seriously tho...I figured it out...Darth maul survived not because of hate, or a vent shaft thingy ... Darth Maul was brought back into the EU by ... ready for this ...



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I'm filing this Maul storyline in the the same file cabinet that contains the Mass Effect 3 ending.


lalalalalala never happened lalalalalala


You can do that, it's up to you, but why would you want to keep a closed incorrect view of the world.


I could easily say the Cold War never happened, lalalala, but i'd be wrong, and everyone would know it. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you can dismiss it's validity.

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You can do that, it's up to you, but why would you want to keep a closed incorrect view of the world.


I could easily say the Cold War never happened, lalalala, but i'd be wrong, and everyone would know it. Just because you don't like something, doesn't mean you can dismiss it's validity.


You're trying too hard.


Also, Ghostbusters 2 never happened.

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