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Server Forums


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Yea, yea, I know you've said no server forums because they turn into flame wars blah blah blah.


Here's what I have to say to that. You pay people to moderate the forums. If a server forum degenerates into flame wars, then the people you are paying money to are not doing their job. Which means they need to be fired. In this horrible economy, I'm sure there's a long line of replacements you can pick from.


Now, let's take a step back. In a broader sense, I suspect you're saying that modding is too hard. Stop for a minute. Great business, games, ventures, what have you, are never achieved by people who say things are too hard. I suggest you re-tool your attitude.


Now, if there's some other reason beyond your not wanting to have to moderate a forum, despite earning money to do just that, please let us know. Because, from my perspective, there's no reasonable reason for not having server forums, and the lack of them shows in how dissociated people are from their server community.


Saying something is too hard, or too much work, generally doesn't cut it in my line of business, and you may be surprised at how much better SWTOR becomes if that type of vocabulary wasn't allowed to fly in yours.



Edited by revial
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