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Swtor pree-order sales data


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You DO know that the chart isn't correct.. Right?


From that site, directly under the chart:


Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) is at the top spot, as it adds 23,000 pre-orders, up from 16,000 last week, for a total of 939,000. The game is two weeks away from launch, December 20 in the USA.


Seeing as it's the 16th and NOT the 10 - nor was the 10th "2 weeks from Launch in the USA" - your information source is incorrect.

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Even if pre-orders were lowest, it's irrelevant. Alot of people who pre-ordered ages ago only recently got codes mailed to them, meaning december has a large amount of code redemptions - more so than other months besides maybe July. And that;s how access is judged by which is why it takes longer.
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As you can see from this data, December pre-orders have been the lowest...




I see the problem....


...you actually think that VGChartz is accurate.


They have never been accurate. Just because they are the only free source of sales estimates doesn't mean they are accurate. Less so, actually. They don't track digital. They can't track digital. They've been known to be embarrassingly inaccurate for PC game sales.


And what do we have with SWTOR? A PC game that is doing a lot of digital sales and will have seen a sharp uptick in the relative percentage of digital sales in the last few weeks as fears of delivery problems are voiced across a dozen forums. Since VGChartz doesn't track digital sales, this means their number are... yet again... next to worthless.


Why do people keep using them as if they are an authority? Of course: Why do people continue to use CanYouRunIt when they have error rates on boundary cases over 30%?


Because if you can only find a single source, it must be a quality source. Right?

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