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Build advice please


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Please review my stats and let me know what I am missing.

At lvl 27 I am having tough battles with lvl 25s on Tatooine.

This last battle I fought 2 lvl 25 strong enemies and a week.

Almost got them all but died for lack of a med kit.

Even a group of 3 lvl 24 Gamorians are tough.


I am current in all ability levels and have the best equipment I have picked up from playing. Havn't bought anything rare off the market. My companion gets KOd alot and I barely survive, and forget about taking out a lvl 25 elite without a medpack, and then still might die. I could expect it to be this difficult if they were a lvl above me but not below.

I was doing fine till I got to Tatooine.


(not sure how to get the photo to apear here)


Edited by earthtoearl
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I have no problems at all, im L33.


my first planet i actually completed, class quests and normal quests was tatooine. Then alderaan and now im heading to balmora.


The trick is to keep your equipment uptodate. Also kira's. It plays a big factor your pet to do good dps.


Im also using watchmen for dots which also is healing me.



Also force scream and smash will stun the opponents so when in lots of mobs around u , use them also as CC, not just dps rotation.


like i said i even do elites at my lvl or 1 lvl higher with no problem.

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While not bad, your gear does look a little sub par. For example, my 27 guardian has his moddable saber, chest, and legs, and those are filled w/ mostly nar shaddaa commendation mods, with a few still remaining from taris commendations. The rest of my gear is appropriate level blues, with only my belt being a green, I believe. I have both implant slots full, and one relic I got from an incredibly lucky drop off a rakghoul. Kira I have in the full coruscant social dress, again full of nar shaddaa/ taris mods. She has purple bracers, which are brand new for that level, and so incredibly strong. Her saber is a bit old, but I have the tatooine commendation double saber waiting for her when I ding 28.


That being said, I also am finding tatooine surprisingly difficult for its level. While I can kill any mob so far without any real problem, I am cutting it quite close for being 2-3 levels higher. I was wondering how it was possible for someone of appropriate level to do some of this stuff. Glad to see it is not just me.


Tatooine just seems to step things up very quickly, the difficulty jump between nar shaddaa and tatooine is much bigger than jumps between any previous planets, even though the level difference is not significant. But then again, you would expect the game to get significantly harder as you progress, so I'm going to believe it is supposed to be like this.

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