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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Queue growing and growing and growing...


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Its not a surprise cake brother.


Yup. It's a figure of speech, "brother".


Well, your right to feel cheated for experiencing usual MMO launch's issues sooner than expected. That won't change the fact that - even with a stupid sheep like me saying it - you, as every of us, are stuck in queues until the servers' capacity is increased - and it will, obviously, as the "catastrophical" start was in definitive not so bad. Would be meaningless to shoo off their customers just now, I'm not sure that so much preorders would even refund 4 years of development. Plus the fact they have a working good game, pointless to screw it when it can earns so much more.


Your right too to leave all high and mighty. It'll make another (sheep) player happy, the one that was behind you in the queue :) My apologies again, the point wasn't to upset you, just to try to show you another point of view.

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Not all of the Aussie guilds were assigned to Swiftsure and The Harbinger. The prominent guilds from Australia were assigned to those two servers and the rest followed suit and created guilds there as the server became live.


this is compounded by the fact that all the old SWG Ahazi guilds rolling pvp west are here too. We daisy chained our allies/adversaries to try and all play together about half the Ahazi contingent got placed on Swiftsure with the rest spread across other servers so they migrated over day one of early access. Same goes with The Ahazi guilds on PVE were put on Harbinger. So you have Ahazi swg vets (ironically also an unofficial oceanic server) mixing with now more Aussie. That is the problem. Bioware knew Ahazi was planning on playing together and should of just given us our own server not mixed us with the Oceanic guilds that have no where else to go since EA hasn't launched there yet....

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That's not true at all. Most preorders ARE absolutely refundable or can be cancelled. What makes you think otherwise?


Gamestop wont give u a refund on Preorders in my area.. The excuse is that they might end up with Excessive copies because its a small store

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im 30 years old trust me theyll return my preorder. thats something they do to kids cause kids wont sue


im 49 your point. If the site you bought it on says no refunds on preorders a lawyer will tell you your out of luck. Im not trying to argue just stating a fact. Good luck in what ever you decide

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no the point is I wont have to sue them because im not a child. adults get to return things especially when its unopened


What's the difference between you returning something unopened and a 16 year old doing the same?

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In this day and age, I wonder if there is a better way to get healthy server population than this...I'm see the entire server list in queues (save for a very very few). The character I was playing last night is now in a 2 hour queue server.


Aren't we nearing 2012? Hasn't there been countless MMO launches that you could of learned from that prevents this current predicament from happening? Where is the progress? I understand EGA is a privilege but still, 2 hour queues and NO server slot saves is just ridiculous.


BTW, I've been meaning to ask, why aren't there any oceanic/south-east asia servers? Are they in the works or you guys just don't plan on doing it? Screwing maybe over half the entire world's players?

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im 30 years old trust me theyll return my preorder. thats something they do to kids cause kids wont sue


Adults won't sue either. At least if they have an IQ over 40, they won't. Are you really going to sue over a $5 pre-order? HELL NO! I won't even go into how you have no legal claim to actually sue. You just want attention on the forums because it makes you feel special. Well news flash, you are special.

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Gamestop wont give u a refund on Preorders in my area.. The excuse is that they might end up with Excessive copies because its a small store


This is truth, swiftsure received a huge addition influx of players that were not assigned there, we are feeling it atm...

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