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Resummon Companion after EVERY mount use?


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I just noticed today that on my JK if I mounted and rode between quests on my speeder (not the taxi's my personal speeder) that I needed to resummon my companion EVERY time.


Is this working as intended?


Before I could summon my companion do some fighting...mount, ride to the next group of mobs or quest area if they were far apart, dismount and my companion would appear without a resummon.


I'd even drive into a group of mobs and attack from my speeder (dismissing the speeder when I attacked) and my companion would reappear and assist me.


Anyone else notice this behavior?





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This happens to me sometimes and sometimes the pet comes right back when I dismount. I haven't figured out the pattern / trigger.


Confirming I also run into this issue. It seems intermittent; and I am unable to track down the exact cause.


Quitting the client completely; and relaunching it tends to correct it for me.

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This is a bug. Generally, if you have a full party (Or three members + Companion) and your companion has to be dismissed because of the 'your party is full' message, it won't automatically resume until you relog.
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This is a bug. Generally, if you have a full party (Or three members + Companion) and your companion has to be dismissed because of the 'your party is full' message, it won't automatically resume until you relog.


You don't have to relog, what we've done is totally drop group and then summon companion. I think it's a group mechanic fail.

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