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hopefully 1.2 saves my account


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1.2 looks good, but all I can say is I'm one step away from canceling my account and the promises 1.2 is making may or may not save it. Only thing I have really enjoyed about this game is the storyline that was so well done it was amazing other then that I hardly have any fun playing this game.



I have a lvl 50 jugg and now a lvl 50 guard. PvP is just terrible I either play my jugg and its 24/7 hutt ball because not enough repubs are queing up or I play my guard and wait a lengthy period of time between matches and then hope that I actually have a competent team that is going to attempt to work together and not just roll over and let the pre-made imps walk on over us (not complaining about the loss or the fact of the pre-made just saying 65% of the time for some odd reason repubs on my server think that team work is a myth and that enemy team healers aren't real). And not to mention the fact how broken the gear is, expertise increasing dmg reduction and dmg given makes sense with those two alone it equals out, but then they add increases healing in pvp for some unknown reason and it just makes any healer OP (in my opinion) I just have no idea what they were thinking when they did that. But I also just miss the lvl 10-49 bracket since back then it was 100% skill not how many BM's you have compared to how many you don't, but thats fine and a point I know a lot of people wont agree on and I don't expect every thing that I oppose for everyone else too also.


Flash points

The Flash points not sure why but I find them boring as hell hard mode or regular. And I've only done one operation thus far and that was EV so I wont speak too much on those especially since I have only done it on regular and the fact that theres two other difficulties for a ops is actually one of the cooler things I think since it gives every type of player a chance to at least do it since regular is sooooo easy its stupid.


Story line

Once again I will say only thing I like about this game. But lvling two different characters to 50 and I'm about happy with what I've gotten and ready to cancel my account.


So to reiterate if 1.2 isn't something magical I'm canceling my account with how bored already I am with the game and disappointed with pvp. I know a lot of my friends have already canceled and I'm mainly posting this just so BW can get a idea how I feel and about how who ever responds to this, whether they agree or disagree. But please post let me know if I'm just some fool who is missing all the good things about this game or if you agree with me and are becoming bored as hell as a lvl 50 unless you exploited the pvp system earlier on to be a BM in less then 4 days to just crush other players whether your actually skilled or not.

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