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Bio - When will tanking compaions be fixed/balanced?


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Sith Inquisitors:


Xalek's shield ratings STILL BUGGED


He's essentially the worse companion in the game with at least 1000 less amour and Khem and even less survivability.



Tanking companions are BAD enough for assassins. At level 50 while doing dailies, if you have Khem out and are attacking a standard elite.. Khem pretty much is either dead or at 4% or less health on any standard fight unless I blow all my cool downs. He's well geared in many level 50 epics -- all tanking. I'm surprised to see how he can't be made useful to non-sorcs.


Bio -- When will this ever be addressed??


Suggestion -- give assassins either 1 decent healing ability or some improved passives that benefit our companions.

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