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Carn, Hired Gun


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The origin of Carn, Hired Gun



"I wasn't always like this, i never wanted to kill for money... But this isn't my fault, it's that damn republic! This is the story of how i, became a killing machine. This is how i became a bounty hunter"


"I used to live on Tatooine with my son, daughter and my beautiful wife... Keija. Me and my son used to play in the sand at night and i tought him how to shoot womp rats. Hah, great times. But then, that damned republic came... They kicked the door in at night and threatend my family. They wanted our credits so i fought back. They knocked me out with their blasters and when i woke up i was laying in the desert alone... I didn't know where i was, i rushed in the direction i thought my home was at. When i got there, it was fire all over the place. I saw my wife... my beautiful Keija, just laid there on the ground, eyes open. I couldn't find my children. The republic scums must have kidnapped them. And that's where it all began. I started working as a grunt around different towns and at last i became the bounty hunter i am today. But i'm still looking for that scum of a man that killed my wife, Wrakk Houston, YOU ARE A DEAD MAN!"



Hope you enjoyed my little story here. I made this out of boredom really but i think it's pretty good.

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