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Healing noob


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I play Operative and Sentinel as my mains. I love melee and love DPS, i rolled a Comando a while ago and have been leveling her inch by inch but i found the gameplay very boring in PvP.

I don't enjoy the grave spam (before anyone screams, i know there is more to it than that)

The class just felt dull and a PITA to level.


Anyway i was in a WZ and noticed that we didnt have a single healer (again!!) and thought , what the hell ill level my Trooper as a healer :D


Anyway things are never so easy in reality are they lol, my problem is that i have NEVER EVER played as a healer before in any MMO.

So could somebody give me a rough guide on where my points should be as a lvl32 healing trooper. And roughly what my bread and butter heals and dps will be?


I know this is alot to ask and i have read the other guides but they all use abreviations and retoric that only an experienced healer will understand. My Trooper will be a pure PvP healer, no PvE at all.


Thanks in advance to anyone that helps :)

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I don't have a LOT of experience healing as a Commando but I have quite a bit of experience healing in other games.


One of the most important things to realize is you are most often target #1. You need to find a good place to stand so as to be out of line of sight of the enemy while still being able to heal your team members.


Go easy on the use of Hammer Shots when possible. The big green ghostbuster laser you are shooting is a giant neon sign for people to follow.


Use Supercharged Cells early and often. It helps you spam more heals (restoring 2 energy cells), takes the CD off adv med probe, and gives kolto bomb a 10% dmg redux shield.


If possible, find a decently geared tank and ask for guard and ask him to keep people off you.

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Can't speak directly to SWTOR PvP, but from my experiences in other games:


- Learn to juke (fake cast), especially 1v1.


- Always assume there is a stealthed enemy slowly making their way behind you. Don't stop moving for longer than it takes to get off a single heal.


- Positioning is everything (you already know that), but as a healer range & LoS are your best friend on defense & your worst enemy on offense. Anticipate & reposition yourself.


- Learn the maps, especially any & all line of sight issues, extremely well. Both for offense & defense.


- Don't hyperfocus on the raid frames. One eye on the action, always.

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I agree, go easy on the hammer shot, unless you want your enemies' attention. Actually, if you can get them to focus you in huttball, that's less time they are spending on the ball carrier, many times i've been focused "ZOMG KILL HEALER NAO!!" while somebody else runs the ball in for a point. Use reactive shield when you start taking fire, Kind of long CD, but awesome skill
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