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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Anyone else never enjoyed multi-class as end game ?


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Personaly I think it is a poor way to creat an end game. I want my sith assassin to get new assassin power, not to steal skills from class I didn't wanted to play. I've always felt like that and never re-subbed any gaming announcing they where going the multi-class group.
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Personaly I think it is a poor way to creat an end game.


I don't think you understand what's going to happen here.


This has nothing to do with mulitclassing. You have current classes being able to use one power, and use it rarely, if you decide to give them that power at all.


You will not be turning a Bounty Hunter into a multiclass BH/Sith Warrior.


It also has nothing to do with end game, but rather is aimed pretty much exclusively at making Alts and leveling them up.

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City of Heroes. Any fan of the game would say yes.


I'd say yes also, but no other game has held me for long with multiple classes being the focus, this one probably won't either. When i say being the focus... I don't like rading, i enjoy PvP and leveling.


Edit - uggh i skimmed the actual thread content and it's just another moan about once every 20mins heroic abilities.

Edited by Kabaal
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City of Heroes. Any fan of the game would say yes.


Well that was different. In CoH the AT's were much more limited then they are in SWTOR. My Stone Tank for example really lacked in any sort of ranged powers, and didn't have much in the way of CC.


So being able to use some of the APP stuff from Earth Controllers made him a better tank and more able to solo.


In SWTOR the classes are IMO more well rounded, so a extra cross class power doesn't help them as much.

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I kinda agree with the OP here. It just seems odd to have a Sith warrior fighting with his saber only to use a BH flamethrower or the Smuggler to force choke someone. It just doesnt sit well with me for some reason...


What I think they SHOULD have done with the legacy system regarding this is to have a legacy skill tree that was unique to each class type (BH/Trooper, Smuggler/Agent and so on). Basically what this tree would include are a small number of abilities that you can unlock using legacy points or whatever (but limit you to what and how many). The abilities themselves would be something of a 'heroic' nature. This would make people feel awesome having a powerful ability that they worked for but also feel unique as not everyone would have it.


I don't necessarily have any ideas as of this moment but something unique and iconic would be great there.


Not just borrowing skills from someone else...


I quite dislike this Legacy system the more I hear about it tbh. Its either it completely sucks or it just isn't as good as I was hoping and im being consumed by my own disappointment.

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