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Yesterdays patch : everything is dying faster


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I joined my first warzone yesterday and was immediately weirded out. Something... was different. It took me a few warzones to put my finger on it, but then I noticed. Everything was dying faster. I was going down like I was made of soggy paper. Anything my team attacked was just instagibbed. And weirder, yet, all my damage numbers looked more or less the same. My hp was the same. I don't get it.


Has anyone else observed anything similar? Am I crazy?

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Can't say for sure, but my guess is you're seeing better players queue their mains for Warzones again.


A lot of people after a certain point had no need for anything other than Valor. Ilum was the place to be for Valor, so the "Mains" of the PVPers just hung around looking for action on Ilum after doing their dailies.


Now Warzones are satisfying the needs of just about all the players, so you're seeing more mains back in action, and stiffer competition. Personally, I love it, though I can sympathize if you just became re-acquainted with one of your server's best premades and they beat you six ways from Sunday.

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