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Companion/romance options


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I've really enjoyed the few options available to the female characters, but I've come to realize that far fewer are available to the females than to the males. I'd really like to see more available. Perhaps 3-4 possible romances/one-night-stands per planet, with both male and female NPCS, with more cross-species match ups, and perhaps even cross factional ones as well, all would be fun.


I generally play female characters, so I'd like some input. Are there actually more possibilities for males than females? Do some classes have more options than others? Who would other people like to see as NPC romance options?


Personally, I wouldn't mind a romp with the Jedi prisoner on Korriban or the Jedi the SW teams up with on Belsavis. Just strikes me as twisted enough to be amusing.

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I would agree the female options aren't very good. I think the NPC idea is a good one. Maybe after a while of courting them, they become a crewmate ? They could be on the ship? So far I haven't found a companion I want to court. I am female irl. I am leveling all the republic classes to see if I can find one I like. But from what I've read online, it doesn't look very promising.
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I would actually like to see same-sex romance options. I've mentioned this on the RP server where I play, and I've had a lot of people comment that they would like to see the same. To a large part, even if they don't want to run a character that way themselves, they have expressed that it would widen the RP options just even with the NPCs.


Even if you aren't gay or bi in RL, sometimes the character you play may be. For example, my Imperial Agent is gay and as a character she has an attraction to Kaliyo... and from the way Kaliyo acts, the feeling could easily be mutual. Then there are those who might want the option of romancing and having a relationship with a member of both genders in a form of poly relationship for a bisexual character.


Sometimes that's just the way the character develops or the concept works best for RP.


And for those who argue that there's no place for it on a Teen rated game... compared to what you see in the game itself, kids and teens see a lot more just on basic TV or even basic cable. ("My So Called Life", "Degrassi High", "Glee", "Will and Grace", "True Blood", "Doctor Who"/"Torchwood" in Capt. Jack Harkness, and much more...) Let's also not forget that characters can often seduce NPCs for trysts pretty easily. (My smuggler has flirted with so many women and had a few trysts that I almost want to call him a member of the "snuggler" class... to use the term in the Simpsons manner.)


~ CC

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I would agree the female options aren't very good. I think the NPC idea is a good one. Maybe after a while of courting them, they become a crewmate ? They could be on the ship? So far I haven't found a companion I want to court. I am female irl. I am leveling all the republic classes to see if I can find one I like. But from what I've read online, it doesn't look very promising.

To be honest with you, all the Empire options for females seem far more appealing to me than the Republic ones, though I only really have personal experience with 2/4 so far. I've heard that Aric is quite good Republic-side, if you don't mind the warm-up and the fact that he looks like a cat-person. :p He's really the only one I'd be interested in rolling a Republic character for (with regards to romance, I'm tempted to do a Jedi Knight for the story).

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I'm playing a Female Bounty Hunter and I keep making choices just to keep Mako happy.

They are starting to form a close friendship and would actually make sence story wise thus far to end up togther as I am always looking out for her.


Who ever is playing BH and does not love Mako has no soul :p

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I'm playing a Female Bounty Hunter and I keep making choices just to keep Mako happy.

They are starting to form a close friendship and would actually make sence story wise thus far to end up togther as I am always looking out for her.


Who ever is playing BH and does not love Mako has no soul :p


Mako is like my little sister, I love her in that way, can't see her any other, besides I married Torian...

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  • 6 months later...

Oh jeah she is adorable :) Being a girl and playing one I took no chances to get Torian *sigh* He is adorable too. I didnt knew about the Romance between them until resecently :( Id love to play that triangle out or even got more options in the future about a "real love triangle"

I always thought that girls had less options even with the NPCs (loved the one on Balmorra with Sanju Pyne that happend by accidently clicking on him) :D

Maybe there are more such hidden possibilities? Does anyone know ?

Edited by Maevalyn
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I've really enjoyed the few options available to the female characters, but I've come to realize that far fewer are available to the females than to the males. I'd really like to see more available. Perhaps 3-4 possible romances/one-night-stands per planet, with both male and female NPCS, with more cross-species match ups, and perhaps even cross factional ones as well, all would be fun.


I generally play female characters, so I'd like some input. Are there actually more possibilities for males than females? Do some classes have more options than others? Who would other people like to see as NPC romance options?


Personally, I wouldn't mind a romp with the Jedi prisoner on Korriban or the Jedi the SW teams up with on Belsavis. Just strikes me as twisted enough to be amusing.


I'm not sure what the numbers are for NPCs but as far as companions go there are 11 available to male players and 10 available to female. I believe initially Zenith was supposed to be an option for female consulars but was cut for some reason (maybe because this would give female consulars 3 options, I dunno).


From my experience even male player characters get 1 one night stand option every couple of planets if they're lucky (depending on class). And it should probably stay that way, we can't all be Lando Calrissian - Space Pimp.

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In term of raw numbers available, as far as I know:


Warrior - 7 for men, 3 for women

Inquisitor - 4 for men, 3 for women

Bounty Hunter - 4 for men, 3 for women

Agent - 10 for men, 6 for women


Knight - 3 for men, 1 for women (Wow, femKnights, and it's Doc. I'm so sorry.)

Consular - 2 for men, 2 for women (equality! ?)

Trooper - 3 for men, 1 for women (at least he's a good guy)

Smuggler - 9 for men, 6 for women


This list includes the faction-wide one-night stands; for instance, Darth Lachris was counted for each male Imperial class.


This list includes both companions and planet/class line one-night stands. It does not include unconsummated [Flirt]s such as Governor Saresh on Taris or the Imperial supply officer on Hoth. Within this list, for "full" companion romances, there are eight for female PCs (the other two companion encounters for female PCs are one-offs) and eleven for male PCs.

Edited by bright_ephemera
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