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Marauder PvP "Rotation"?


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Is there a set of abilities that I use as a Rotation?


I know Charge(Or no charge if I can run to an enemy)>Deadly Saber on the way in>Battering Assault>Rupture>Annihilate is the base.


What should I be doing after that? Should I be using abilities like Force Scream, Ravage, Smash, or damaging abilities like that? I know to mash Anni as soon as it's off CD and to not clip dots with Rupture.


I know there's a lot of questions and I feel like a noob asking them. I have a Juggernaut, PT BH, and Sorc and I have their rotations down pat, but Marauder seems very intricate. Any help at all would be appreciated

Edited by jitsuo
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After that opener typically I like to force choke if it's 1v1 to let my bleeds run their course while the opponent can't do anything. If there are other enemies and they are beating on me then I just do a 1.5 second channel ravage (cut it off after first 2 hits) and then spam assault / vicious slash.


You want to build your rage up to full and then vicious slash off excess, then full, then slash. Basically bounce between 2 away from full and full by alternating assault/slash as your filler. Annihilate, Deadly Saber, and rupture as soon as they are off cooldown in that priority order. If target is getting healed do a deadly throw, if sub 20% hit them with vicious throw. If you are in a crowd of 4+, it is worth using smash and sweeping strikes. Sweeping strikes is also an excellent way to quickly and cheaply build Fury by the way.


In pvp, generally stay away from force scream, it is too rage inefficient. Make sure you are using your defensives when needed.

Edited by Aluvi
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After that opener typically I like to force choke if it's 1v1 to let my bleeds run their course while the opponent can't do anything. If there are other enemies and they are beating on me then I just do a 1.5 second channel ravage (cut it off after first 2 hits) and then spam assault / vicious slash.


You want to build your rage up to full and then vicious slash off excess, then full, then slash. Basically bounce between 2 away from full and full by alternating assault/slash as your filler. Annihilate, Deadly Saber, and rupture as soon as they are off cooldown in that priority order. If target is getting healed do a deadly throw, if sub 20% hit them with vicious throw. If you are in a crowd of 4+, it is worth using smash and sweeping strikes. Sweeping strikes is also an excellent way to quickly and cheaply build Fury by the way.


In pvp, generally stay away from force scream, it is too rage inefficient. Make sure you are using your defensives when needed.


Awesome, thank you. I get the defensive CD's and where to use them now but the damage priority was eluding me. I used Scream because, from leveling a Jugger, I knew it was heavy damage, but I'll stay away from that now and use more Viscous Slash-es.


Any tips anyone can give me would be great :) it's a complicated class and tips/tricks could cut down the learning curve a lot (i.e. cutting Ravage off after the first 2 hits makes a LOT of sense)

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One thing I forgot to mention: while force scream is certainly not an ideal ability to use due to the rage inefficiency, it is one of our very few ranged abilities, so if you are rooted and have a full bar of rage, by all means use it. I can't count the number of times a sorc thought he got away from me at 5% b/c my vicious throw didn't finish him and force scream sealed the deal. So don't take it off your bar, but don't prioritize it either.
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One thing I forgot to mention: while force scream is certainly not an ideal ability to use due to the rage inefficiency, it is one of our very few ranged abilities, so if you are rooted and have a full bar of rage, by all means use it. I can't count the number of times a sorc thought he got away from me at 5% b/c my vicious throw didn't finish him and force scream sealed the deal. So don't take it off your bar, but don't prioritize it either.


Got it, force scream moved from "E" to "CTRL-E"


Thanks :)

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  • 2 months later...
One thing I forgot to mention: while force scream is certainly not an ideal ability to use due to the rage inefficiency, it is one of our very few ranged abilities, so if you are rooted and have a full bar of rage, by all means use it. I can't count the number of times a sorc thought he got away from me at 5% b/c my vicious throw didn't finish him and force scream sealed the deal. So don't take it off your bar, but don't prioritize it either.


Exactly. Thanks for the awesome tips man I can't wait to get those other abilities and try out that rotation. My bro in law and I just created Marauders because now that they've been buffed we wanted to give it a go. Coming from a sith assassin I definitely miss sneaking up in stealth and pwning my victim lol but even at level 15 the marauders are already a BLAST to play. I remember I had a Jedi Sentinel and hated it because of how weak they were. But seeing as the marauders mirror the sentinels I'm very glad they buffed them. But anyways to the main point. I just wanted to add that early on in the marauder class when pvping I don't think it's such a bad idea to use force scream in the normal rotation due to the lack of abilities in the early levels. My rotation typically starts with Force Charge, Battering Assault, Ravage (cut off after the first 2 hits), Force Scream, Vicious Slash, then spam Assault to get some rage and then improvise the rest. Occasionally I try and pop my berserk when it becomes available.. That was in Sii-Cho Form tho.. Not sure how good it is to try and pop berserk with Juyo Form. Even in Sii-Cho Form tho I rarely used berserk so don't worry bout that. But ya in the early levels I use that rottion and it works out ok for me.

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