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Melee dps choice? sentinel vs shadow.


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I have two level 50's (powertech and commando), and now I'd like to dabble in lightsaber type melee dps.


I think I've narrowed it down to sentinel and shadow DPS, but I'm not sure which I'd prefer.


I've created both, but it's hard to tell from low level abilities.



Can anyone give their two cents on which you think would be more fun and/or how their playstyle/skills differ?

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I have two level 50's (powertech and commando), and now I'd like to dabble in lightsaber type melee dps.


I think I've narrowed it down to sentinel and shadow DPS, but I'm not sure which I'd prefer.


I've created both, but it's hard to tell from low level abilities.



Can anyone give their two cents on which you think would be more fun and/or how their playstyle/skills differ?


The most basic way I can put it is that Shadow has some heavier damage abilities and uses stealth, while sentinel has much better survivability out of stealth (better bubbles and self heal if watchman spec). Both are very effective in the hands of a good player and it mostly comes down to personal preference on style.

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I have both in the 30s. So not done with them. The sentinel in my mind plays like a beserker, pick your fight and you have to commit to it. You don't really have any escape options. Either they die, or you do. That's not to say you don't have some good defense skills, but once you are in the fray, you're pretty much stuck there.


The shadow has far more utility to it. You can play tankish or you can go infil. Either way, you have a lot more leeway to pick your fights. And you have some ways to get out. One thing, the shadow seems to be all about procs. You are basically forced into waiting for certain conditions to unload your DPS skills and you don't want to really them without the procs. For example, project. Awesome when talented and proc's up, bad idea to use without the proc/talents. One of the major downsides in my opinion.


I like both, and can't decide, hence why both are right in the low 30's

Edited by nitrob
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Have a 50 marauder and 34 assassin (leveling sentinel now for repub story).


For assassin(shadow) my biggest beef is waiting for procs and ability stutter effects the most common and biggest damage skill ( which you have to be behind to use on top of that).


Both are great and in the right hands are deadly, I would say it comes to play style.


Do you like to come out of stealth and attack with a few quick hitters that may kill your target? Or do you prefer to rush them straight up and beat them to death with a flurry of swinging glow sticks?


Marauder (sentinel) also has more CD based defense since they lack stealth... They have great survivability if played well.

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Right now, the best choice would be the Shadow/Assassin, playing the left tree. However, I really do think they are going to shake up class balance in a month, so I don't know anymore.




If it is worth anything, remember fighting the Harrowers when leveling? I heard that is what the Sentinel/Marauder was in beta, but they got nerveous. If they give us some of that back, then /waycool.

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Right now, the best choice would be the Shadow/Assassin, playing the left tree. However, I really do think they are going to shake up class balance in a month, so I don't know anymore.




If it is worth anything, remember fighting the Harrowers when leveling? I heard that is what the Sentinel/Marauder was in beta, but they got nerveous. If they give us some of that back, then /waycool.


Lol, if we were like the Harrowers, they damn well should have been nervous. Those things are monsters for lvl 32 mobs.

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The sentinel in my mind plays like a beserker, pick your fight and you have to commit to it. You don't really have any escape options. Either they die, or you do. That's not to say you don't have some good defense skills, but once you are in the fray, you're pretty much stuck there.


Thats pretty much it for Sentinel


Once you get force cammo and trascendance you might get a get away option sometimes but depends on your cooldowns and some luck

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My experience is that at higher play, a good Sentinel will out-DPS a Shadow. Then again I'm biased because I've been devoted to Sentinel.


I am a 50 SIN aka shadow and leveling a sent 36 burst is shadow sustained is sent in dps. Now shadow can go Tank spec which is pretty sick. But I seen many sent watchmen destroy shadows the guarded by the force and self heals + force camo = 8 seconds invincible mode which is just insane. Now tanksin are another story. So its play style mostly both classes are very strong.

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  • 3 months later...
In PvE endgame (we're running HM EC), Sentinals out-dps Shadows by about 200 dps. Shadows have good initial burst, but as the fight goes on their dps steadily drops, and the sentinels catch up and eventually surpass them.
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