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I no longer vote Sages MVP because of Noble Sacrifice


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If you leave a node or door undefended, ever, in any circumstance, it's YOUR fault.


Sure, if you run off to join the zerg that's attacking the enemy node, you might help them take it. Or you might not. Or they may have taken it without you anyway. Meanwhile, you just guaranteed the loss of a node you already had. At best, it's a wash. Or, you could have stayed to defend and at worst it's a wash, at best it's a win.


Stop encouraging excuses for stupidity.


I'll admit that I was kind of trolling with that post.


That said, if your team is putting you (the healer) in a position where you have to solo-guard a node, it's definitely their fault and it's definitely stupid.


Edit: One thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to move on to another node as soon as your team has things under control. There's almost no reason why you should be the last one to leave after your team takes a node (in which case, the node being left undefended is the last guy to leave's fault, not yours).

Edited by Dzhokhar
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I stopped voting for healers, and vote MVP to any Smuggler in the warzone, if any. They need all the help they can get.


yes and thank you. We appreciate your business. Come again.


Its tough knowing everyone on the team is like damn.. we got the smuggler. Why couldn't we get a sage...


The funny part is when people in your own guild without a sniper start talking about how they heard the class was OP. I am like what?


I just made Bm last night. Thanks to the patch I earned valor like a sage. I was like we don't do more dps than sages and we lack utility and support functionality without escapability.


He still wanted to argue. I was like, nevermind. I am going to queue.


I am so happy. Now that I reached my goal I can focus on my 31 point sage. I've got no reason to lie. Smuggler is a tough class at 50.


We have excellent kill shot abilities on targets that can hit from range. it drives healers nuts.


I have enough stun, root, KB defense to call for reinforcements and keep a door or turret cap from happening.


I'd still rather have a sin babysit though.


That is all.

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