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Mouseovers, minimap and much more!


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This is a multi-part question thread!


I. Macros


Ive heard they declined the idea for macros completely, but will soon be integrating Mouseover macros.


1. True / False?

2. Have they provided their definition of Mouseover?

- for me, as a healer I like to be able to shift + right click on the ops frame to cast deliverance, and shift + right click for benevolence, etc. Is this how it's going to work?


II. UI customization mods.


Are they going to have more UI customization than scaling and moving?


1. I hate the blue.

2. I hate having the minimap a circle, I'd like a square.

3. Window borders

- I'd love to have customizable thickness based borders. Ex:

A. Spell icon black borders, minimap borders, chat pane borders, etc


Edit: custom textures as well. Anybody at the guild summit who could give input would be awesome!


Please if you could respond with actual sources that would really help, thanks!

Edited by Zachajariah
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On the minimap.


I wish there was an option for 'auto-rotate'. I'm not great with directions and I seem to constantly have to open my map to see which direction I'm supposed to be going in.


Also, red dot indicators for mobs that are not yet in combat. I've lost count of the times I have run around a corner into a group of mobs...or been attacked by a patrol who's walked up behind me.

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1: True, but only for the portrait I believe. (Going from memory of the discussion - not in 1.2 though)

2: Nope, but with feedback I'm sure they will have those option if you ask them to.




1: No skinning in the immediate future. It is on the map for the future though.

2: Staying circle from what I saw although you can flip the icons around the border from bottom to top.

3: I believe no change there. (Although the UI has been tweaked so they may be thinner)


No custom skins yet. Definitely not in 1.2 and most likely not even in 1.3

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On the minimap.


I wish there was an option for 'auto-rotate'. I'm not great with directions and I seem to constantly have to open my map to see which direction I'm supposed to be going in.


Also, red dot indicators for mobs that are not yet in combat. I've lost count of the times I have run around a corner into a group of mobs...or been attacked by a patrol who's walked up behind me.



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