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Stop making things so easy!


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Easier games are more inclusive and thus tend to do better. The trend in electronic gaming generally is towards easier, more casual, and immediately rewarding play experiences. I understand why this causes consternation among those who are used to a more challenging play experience, but I don't expect it to change materially.


Hardcore video game experiences are considered niche and there's no way a 9 figure budget game is going niche as its primary play experience.


Easy games are for kids who have parents that don't care for them. Its easier to sit a kid in front of a computer for a couple hours than it is to actually be a parent. I want a game for adults that is challenging where kids are going to complain because things are too hard.

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Easy games are for kids who have parents that don't care for them. Its easier to sit a kid in front of a computer for a couple hours than it is to actually be a parent. I want a game for adults that is challenging where kids are going to complain because things are too hard.


That's an interesting outlook. However, please note, I was not arguing for or against a particular difficulty. The fact is that games are being made easier and more casual. MMORPGs are still considered 'hardcore' by many no matter how easy.

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If you noticed most of the changed are only posted as "until patch 1.6" I think they want to reward the players that "took the plunge" and bought the game KNOWING it would start out broken and bugged, after that a large number of the changes are being reversed.
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