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Jedi chapter 2 finale story *spoilers**


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It was an epic quest, and it's my favorite so far, my disappointment lies with the followup.


So... you're captured by the emperor and then turned into his puppet (I wanted to use the 'b' word but it'd just be censored) and then... nothing?! You don't get to see what you've done? No... dreams? No seeping back of memories of the atrocities that you supposedly committed?


You return to the jedi council, they're happy to see you but... nothing? And oh by the way, Master Braga and the other Jedi are still missing, but... no matter?


I mean, according to the dialogue you've been gone a while doing dirty little deeds for the big man himself and Doc just goes on and on about needing to cure some incurable disease.


I just feel like the ball was dropped at the end of this quest. Now, I'm only on Belsavis so I don't know if there is any kind of follow up, but really... there needed to be *something*.


Sigh... I haven't written fan fiction in years, but maybe I need to.

Edited by ejadavidson
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I have a lvl 50 jedi knight. I see it as, if I really had done something horrible, Everyone would have shunned me or tried to kill me when I went back... I view it as more... training, remember (spoiler for idiots who ignored the title, but don't worry I haven't given anything away for you)


you where just getting to the torture training when you snapped out of it so you probably didn't do any of the really nasty stuff sith do.

p.s the story gets better


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