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Tips on "Descent" Chapter 2 finale. Spoilers.


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Who would be the best crew member to take on this quest? It appeared that Sgt. Rusk was the crew member 'suggested'. So I took him, and got past the first group, but died in the second. I went back, repaired my armor and grabbed Doc.


I got past the first two groups and the elite with no problem but died when I opened the second blast door. Somehow Doc got caught in the fray and died and without him, I lasted for a bit then died.


I haven't really geared up Rusk yet, I just got him, so he has his original weapons and most of his original armor. The only thing I was able to give him was a new shield and an implant. I could go back up to the Republic Fleet and buy him some new stuff if needed.


I'm a watchman Sentinel.


BTW, this second chapter finale is pretty darned awesome.

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I used Kira all the way from the beginning up to lvl 50. Things died very quickly so I had little problem with any of the quests. I am watchman Sentinel so the self heals from that build were particularly helpful and having Biochem as my crew skill gave me high end medpaks that I used to heal both Kira and myself in emergencies.
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If you can't beat a section even with Doc out there, I'm wondering if you're just too far underleveled. As long as you keep aggro off of Doc, you should be fairly safe in almost any fight. He's studly with his kolto.


I can't remember exactly what part this mission is (I think I remember it, though) and I'm pretty sure I used Kira for story purposes. Then again I was about three or four levels over the content and had Kira decked out in an all orange with blue crystal, hilt, enhancements and commendation bought armoring and mods.


If you're struggling with a section, Doc is likely your best bet. He gives you the most surivability out of any of your companions and also is pretty decent at keeping himself alive too if he's getting attacked. You should have enough time to save him if he pulls several enemies.

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I ended up going with Doc because I seem to mow through just about anything with him at my back. I can dish out non-stop DPS if he's there healing.


The biggest challenge was keeping aggro off him, if I could, I was fine. Also, attacking the healers first became my priority. They only had a little over 1400 hit points even at level 41 and they went down really *really* fast. Once they were down, I turned my attention on the higher level of the foes. It was just a lot of fighting, one battle after the other. I did die a few times mostly because I missed an interrupt or did something stupid. It wasn't my best fight, I have to admit I brute-forced my way through, but I did get through it. Actually, Lord Scourge was the easiest of the entire mission. I do really well one-on-one with an elite.


This was defintely an epic end to chapter 2. My only disappointment is that I don't get to see/know what happened during the time my character was under the emperor's influence and the jedi council and all my crew carried on like nothing happened.

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The fights were definitely harder in that finale scenario. I noticed it and even commented on it in guild chat (without giving away spoilers). I used Doc, and we wiped once or twice, usually due to me making some stupid mistake.


As for the ending...



... Although I appreciate the story as depicted, I found it highly frustrating that I had no control over my character at all. My character is pure Light IV, not one point of Dark Side. They could NEVER have turned her -- I don't care how powerful the Emperor supposedly is. I would much have preferred some conversation options like the torture sequence in KOTOR-1, where you can choose whether to give in or not, and maybe get punished for not giving in. I don't mind "pretending" to be turned to get a tactical advantage, but the implication that my character has been a turned, evil Dark Sider for months now (which is how the scene definitely plays) really chapped my hide. That's not right for my character.




Other than that I enjoyed Chapter 2.

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The fights were definitely harder in that finale scenario. I noticed it and even commented on it in guild chat (without giving away spoilers). I used Doc, and we wiped once or twice, usually due to me making some stupid mistake.


As for the ending...



... Although I appreciate the story as depicted, I found it highly frustrating that I had no control over my character at all. My character is pure Light IV, not one point of Dark Side. They could NEVER have turned her -- I don't care how powerful the Emperor supposedly is. I would much have preferred some conversation options like the torture sequence in KOTOR-1, where you can choose whether to give in or not, and maybe get punished for not giving in. I don't mind "pretending" to be turned to get a tactical advantage, but the implication that my character has been a turned, evil Dark Sider for months now (which is how the scene definitely plays) really chapped my hide. That's not right for my character.




Other than that I enjoyed Chapter 2.


Eh, I had no problems with the story of it.



This is the strongest Dark Sider in the known galaxy. He's been at his evil dabbling in the Force way longer than me. I don't think it was so much that he turned me (which indicates some kind of choice or fall, ala Anakin or Jaessa in the Sith Warrior storyline). It was more that he just completed dominated. I didn't have a chance to resist - he was just too powerful and took over my mind. And I think that was pretty cool actually. He's mile ahead of me in power.


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The fights were definitely harder in that finale scenario. I noticed it and even commented on it in guild chat (without giving away spoilers). I used Doc, and we wiped once or twice, usually due to me making some stupid mistake.


As for the ending...



... Although I appreciate the story as depicted, I found it highly frustrating that I had no control over my character at all. My character is pure Light IV, not one point of Dark Side. They could NEVER have turned her -- I don't care how powerful the Emperor supposedly is. I would much have preferred some conversation options like the torture sequence in KOTOR-1, where you can choose whether to give in or not, and maybe get punished for not giving in. I don't mind "pretending" to be turned to get a tactical advantage, but the implication that my character has been a turned, evil Dark Sider for months now (which is how the scene definitely plays) really chapped my hide. That's not right for my character.




Other than that I enjoyed Chapter 2.


Right there with you.



The voices in my head actually debated whether or not I would have preferred to take a permanent death on the character than that BS, "o you went dark there for a bit" ********. I'm also confused about the time frame. I can only assume that it took a little while to gain control, and that the cutscenes are a montage, but then at the end, your ship and your friends are just hanging out waiting to leave? Weak.


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