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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorc/Sage Friendly Pull


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A good sorc/sage will not be killed 1vs1 in Huttball up on the cat walks. The classes that can beat them 1vs1 will be line of sighted, or knocked down. I normally roll of sorcs in VS and CW, or in the bottom areas of Huttball. But against a good sorc in the cat walks, I simply get blown to the bottom level.


And the counter to pull is ignore the ball carrier and make sure no sorcs are up top or at the goal line. That is bad game design. No class should merit that kind of attention, and there is currently one class that does in this WZ. The game is not called Sorc ball.


A simple change so that pull is affected and does affect resolve balances it out. EVERY SINGLE CC IN GAME is affected by resolve, why can't pull be?


Huttball is the easiest warzone to kill sorcs, good or bad, while they are getting into position Im doing the same on my vanguard and putting them in the fire pits. Im often on defence doing just this, nothing else and it works just fine, after a few deaths they move back and I bet they are whining more about my pull than our team does about theirs.

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Huttball is the easiest warzone to kill sorcs, good or bad, while they are getting into position Im doing the same on my vanguard and putting them in the fire pits. Im often on defence doing just this, nothing else and it works just fine, after a few deaths they move back and I bet they are whining more about my pull than our team does about theirs.


If you think this, you have yet to play aginst good sorcs. My sorc isn't even very good atm, and I still can't be killed while in the cat walks. its too easy to CC -> knock them down, or simple force speed away.


Either way, I am not trying to nerf sorcs. I am trying to make it so their "pull" ability cannot be chained like crazy. That is all.

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Pull give the ball carrier an extra "trinket" or ability to break out of CC's. The jug's ability to move the ball and the sorc's ability to help move the ball is far better than being able to pass the ball. Good players don't have problems focusing carriers btw.


And its not game breaking. You can still play with this abiltiy the way it is. Its just that when 8 man ranked wz's come out, every legitimate comp (competitive comp) will have:


* Jugg as ball carrier

* 3 but possibly 4 sorcs for their teams.


I do not want to see this. Having 3 or 4 sorcs on a team just because you know good players that play that class is fine. Having 3 or 4 sorcs on your team because that is the only way to be competitive is bad game design.


A simple change so that pull is affected by resolve (like EVERY SINGLE CC IN GAME) balances this and still makes it so that pull is a very powerful ability.




You can be grappled at most twice before becomign immune. On top of that, once the 2nd grapple hits, you can not cc the target anymore. You can though: pull, pull, pull, pull and still be immune to CC's. This is an issue.


Pull is not a CC. CC equals crowd control. Think of the counter exploits that would happen if you made pull effect resolve. Suddenly all I need to do to the ball carrier with half a resolve bar, is pull him from 10 yrds away. No ground gained or lost, simply pull him and he cannot be CC'd again. Thus eliminating the tactics that the opposing team could have used or set up around their own CC.


If pull needs to be fixed, then so does all the jug abilities, that provide movement. What about vanguard harpoons. I have played a match where 2 vanguards spent most of their time pulling me and others into the fire whenever we went near their side. 1 on the bottom and 1 on the top means that there is no way you can LoS them effectively. After a few fire deaths, I resigned myself to playing defense on my side. Completely cutting my attacking capabilities out. I would attempt to support the ball carrier, but the amount of pressure that the Vanguards created were too much. Having them there ready to pull people into the fire creates a large amount of LoS requirement and doubt. Allowing the other 6 players to zerg the daylights out of all of you.


Taking away these abilities is pointless. People need to learn to counter them.

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Pull is not a CC. CC equals crowd control. Think of the counter exploits that would happen if you made pull effect resolve. Suddenly all I need to do to the ball carrier with half a resolve bar, is pull him from 10 yrds away. No ground gained or lost, simply pull him and he cannot be CC'd again. Thus eliminating the tactics that the opposing team could have used or set up around their own CC.


If pull needs to be fixed, then so does all the jug abilities, that provide movement. What about vanguard harpoons. I have played a match where 2 vanguards spent most of their time pulling me and others into the fire whenever we went near their side. 1 on the bottom and 1 on the top means that there is no way you can LoS them effectively. After a few fire deaths, I resigned myself to playing defense on my side. Completely cutting my attacking capabilities out. I would attempt to support the ball carrier, but the amount of pressure that the Vanguards created were too much. Having them there ready to pull people into the fire creates a large amount of LoS requirement and doubt. Allowing the other 6 players to zerg the daylights out of all of you.


Taking away these abilities is pointless. People need to learn to counter them.


Maybe you should read my suggestions in my other posts and such.


Pull needs to affect resolve in the sense that:


1) It REDUCES the amount of resolve a target has when used, making that target open to CC once again


2) Can not be used on targets with full resolve.


I already thought of this issue you brought up.


Next, other abilities (such as ggrapple) does not need to be changed, seeing as those abilities are affected by resolve already. Already affects resolve = does not need a change.


Juggs' ability to move the ball is pretty op'd. Too many charges, simply put. I do not have a "fix" for this yet other than taking out a charge completely.


These fixes/changes I want are not to eliminate an ability, but rather change it so it can't be used in chain succession, whish a sage/sorc's pull is used. It is an extra free "trinket" (pvp trinket) that a ball carrier has for every sorc you have on yoru team. Making it so stacking 3-4 sorcs/sages makes it even better.

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