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Help with Sith Warrior, Mara.


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Hey all,

I have a Sith Sorceror on the 'Maw' server, level 40 who I am just finding to be so dull and boring.

I had a Mara on different server, but I found him to be weak and always needing to be healed, it might have just been crappy gear.


So i ask, is it worth starting a new account as a mara and leveling it up, are they okay in PVe, (From what i've been reading they dominate the PVP) instead of going with my sorc?


I always thought they were underpowered?



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If you DO NOT compare your leveling experience against other classes, it is a lot of fun. Great story, pretty good companions, and challenging play. However, if you compare to others, who have ok stories, fine companions and faceroll leveling you will feel underpowered because you cant just death from above and kill an entire mob. Marauding requires actually paying attention, USING COMPANIONS (send them in first or just have quinn auto heals), and using defensive cds. For PvE yes were are good, for pvp yes we are also good. Takes some getting used to, we have A TON OF ABILITIES we actually use, frequently, and not forgetting about them is key. ( I still forget about Obfuscate a lot.....)
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Mara are very gear dependent it seems. Keep your armor and weapons updated, keep those of your pet(s) updated also. Using the crew skill cybertech (for armor/mods) helps a ton while leveling. If you still feel weak, try changing specs and seeing how the other side might live. 99% of the people here will tell you anni is #1, but I found it weak for leveling in pve, and found rage far better. I have a friend who leveled carnage the whole time, and won't consider a different tree, he likes it so much. All 3 specs depend on abilities setting up others for the maximum effect, so developing a good rotation could make all the difference in the world.


Also, use various companions, not just the trap of using Quinn, because he's the healer. A well equipped Vette or Jaesa, and you can kill stuff so quick that heals aren't needed.

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Its a very fun and challenging play. As far as DPS-class goes, annihilation got the best survivability in the game imo.


Sniper and merc, even with their knockback and heavy armor are better off without the attention. Mara can deal with it. Its far from a tank, but between a 20% damage reduction over 30 sec (which put you about on par with a tank with its cooldowns up), an emergency 99% damage reduction for 5 sec (closest to immunity in game) and a very effective accuracy reductor, you have a LOT of reasons to stay alive.


I won't lie, tank with healer companions and healers will faceroll PvE more than a mara does. But mara is still a very fun class to play and level, and you should certainly consider it.


Its a nice one in the term it will work well beside any type of companions, so you can pretty much use the one you prefer. Healers will be rather worthless next to their healing companions, and so will many DPS beside their fellow DPS (mainly DPS specced sin that suddenly gets a lot more loving than they'd like with Andronikos or Ashara), and a tank with a tanking companion is also rather lame.


Marauders, have a very nice versatility there.



As far as spec goes : they a work in their way.


Carnage is a burst tree, annihilation a DoT and sustained damage tree.


Imo, annihilation offers better survivability, by self-heal and buff to your defensive abilities.


Rage, altough I have yet to see for myself, is built around smash a lot. I personnally prefer diversity to building that big punch, and going back to rage dump while while the relevants abilities are on CD.

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