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Skill question


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I was questing yesterday on my Sentinel and was attacked by a marauder two levels higher, i managed to kill him the first time but the next three times he beat me with 20-30% HP left.


I could have a whinge about animation times etc, because on a few occasions we used the same skills simultaniously but his hit faster... but i wont go into all that, i was beaten fair and square. Now he was lvl43 and was using the Juyo form so im presuming he was annialation specced.

Im Watchman spec so we where perfect mirrors... or so i thought.

When he leaped at me (he managed to get the first leap in every fight :( ) i was on my back on the floor for a couple of seconds not being able to attack.


Could anyone please tell me what this skill is?

I don't see any skill in the Sentinel trees that make people convulse around on the floor after the opener.

He used this in every fight in quick succession and always had the same effect lol, it basicaly gave him a 20% HP advantage over me.

Edited by triangulate
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That would probably be either a graphic bug, a bug like sins WW when specced into haunted dreams where your damage won't break the mez like it's suppose to, or related to that bug where every once and a while when you get forced push you stay knocked down.


hard to tell without out a video whats going on with it but intimidating roar is the ability that causes that graphic

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That would probably be either a graphic bug, a bug like sins WW when specced into haunted dreams where your damage won't break the mez like it's suppose to, or related to that bug where every once and a while when you get forced push you stay knocked down.


hard to tell without out a video whats going on with it but intimidating roar is the ability that causes that graphic


Well tnx for the info anyway.

It puzzles me why he would use an AoE mez as an opener unless he knew it wouldn't break on damage.

Also, it can't be a graphic bug, because i was locked out of my abbilities for the duration.

Seems to me that someone has discovered an exploit and is abusing it.


Once is a fluke, three times in a row is not.

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