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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Columi gear


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Given I have been so focused on stacking Will, I've run myself into a bit of a dilemma. I ran an Ops and got a bunch of tokens for Columi gear. At 1 am I mistakenly read "Master Force" to be limited to "Force Master" and so I got three pieces of Force Master gear (boots, wrap, gloves, with the sash getting dropped). It has a really nice balance of Will and End (I am a kinetic Shadow), but obviously I don't need the alacrity. BW will allow me to change this out for either the Stalker or Survivor gear, and whereas this will drop the alacrity and bolster either Def or Crit, it will drop one or both of End and Will. Right now in Ops I am running more DPS and will add/off tank when needed.


I would appreciate you input into whether I should swap out this gear for Stalker or Survivor, or just keep the Force Master until I can replace it with Rakata level gear.

Edited by Bilirubin
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Well without sounding too obvious, I would say...


* for tanking you want Survivor gear

* for DPS you want Stalker gear



Now if you say you are doing both, well, you need to decide which is more important or which you are doing more of. Probably the Stalker, I would think, though the 2-piece set bonus on it is pretty lame, the 4-piece is decent (though not great by any stretch). And in terms of stats obviously the Stalker set is going to be more offensively geared.

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Cyannin Bilirubin


If you run normal or even normal and hardmode every week you will have multiple pieces and sets quickly.


I am full Rakata with the exception of Chest and offhand. However my Columi Chest has all the Rakata mods and enhancements that have dropped in raids so might has well be Rakata.


I have a full set of Stalker Columi and a Full set of Survivor Columi too.


So I would not worry to much about it and keep on raiding and you will build another set or 2 of gear.


Heck Theron is Columi/Rakata for me too(pretty funny when my pet has Rakata Weapons) and I have started to deck out LT in Columi/Rakata. Nadia I just gave her all Tionese gear cause I have no use for those crystals and all.


This was not to brag but to show you how much gear drops and how much it is repetitive. Till the change the normal mode assigned loot then Columi sets will keep building for me I guess. Sucks when I get my 3rd Chest piece and the other new Sage does not have 1.

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Till the change the normal mode assigned loot then Columi sets will keep building for me I guess. Sucks when I get my 3rd Chest piece and the other new Sage does not have 1.


Today's patch notes say that master looter is now working in normal mode operations.

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Today's patch notes say that master looter is now working in normal mode operations.


Tested last night and Failed. Has normal BW failed what they put in the patch notes. The only good thing was that we got the full amount of loot and the crafting stuff was able to be handed out. But the gear was still auto assigned and no way to change it.

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Tested last night and Failed. Has normal BW failed what they put in the patch notes. The only good thing was that we got the full amount of loot and the crafting stuff was able to be handed out. But the gear was still auto assigned and no way to change it.


Ya I ran normal mode EV last night with my guild, same thing. Master Looter can assign things like biometric crystals, but the actual gear drops are still auto-assigned which sucked.

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That's probably all they actually meant by master looter working on normal. I know when pugging EVERYONE needs those crystal alloys even if they don't need them and they probably just fixed ML to fix that issue.


I really hope they fixed out that the auto assigning look thing is awful for normal in next tier though, as I've done countless normal runs and every single person in my guild that runs ops is 5/5 columi while I've gotten 2 pieces of columi from Ops and they were BOTH gloves.

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That's probably all they actually meant by master looter working on normal. I know when pugging EVERYONE needs those crystal alloys even if they don't need them and they probably just fixed ML to fix that issue.


I really hope they fixed out that the auto assigning look thing is awful for normal in next tier though, as I've done countless normal runs and every single person in my guild that runs ops is 5/5 columi while I've gotten 2 pieces of columi from Ops and they were BOTH gloves.



Have no fear. Tons of gear drops. I mean I hate getting gear now in normal cause I do it only to help out those that need and when I see something assigned to me I just roll my eyes.


I have full Rakata and Columi Survivor set and All but Legs for Columi Stalker set. Nadia is Full Columi Stalker. Theran is Columi/Rakata. LT is Columi. I could buy my Columi Stalker legs but I figure why cause they will drop one day after our 100th pair do Smuggler/troop pants drop.


It is just sick how much Smuggler and Trooper gear drops. Heck I even have the Knights Main hand and Offhand Rakata in my bank.


This is how bad the gear drops are. Our normal 8 man ops has 7 normal people that run all the time.


2 Knights both Full Rakata with in 2 weeks of hard mode

2 Troopers Full Rakata DPS sets for both, Full Rakata Heal for Com. 50/50 Columi/Rakata Tank(van)

1 Smuggler Full Rakata DPS and heal sets

1 Sage Missing Legs Offhand for full Rakata

1 Shadow(me) Missing Chest, Offhand


I have seen one and only one Consular offhand ever drop for Rakata. But heck we have a ton of pets with Rakata Smuggler offhands even my Theran has one.


I really hope they do something about the coms and allow exchanges sort of like they do with PvP. I mean I have a ton of Tionese and 200+ columi.


It would be nice if they allowed you to use your columi token or piece and x number of coms to get a Rakata piece.


I think it would have been better too if they had done like Rift did and put the gear has the token and then you take it to your vendor to exchange with some amount of coms too.

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