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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why did Swtor turn into GW2?


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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....
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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


If SWTOR ends up being 1/3 as good of a PvP game as GW2 I would be shocked...and I actually enjoy, at times, the PvP in SWTOR.


SWTOR has pretty much tryed to copy successful parts of many MMOs, so I guess it was just about time they got around to ones that will be their ultimate demise.

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...

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All gear worthless since its all freebie come 1.2...Who wants to pay a monthly sub for no progression just welfare for all? PvP just lost its carrot on a stick thanks for killing this game faster than Rift BW....


So you won't be going GW2? Sweet. less whiners for me to be around.

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erm some one fill me in or point me to the info about this update in 1.2 please


Patch 1.2 WarHero Set Requires no Rating thus free Best in slot for all if you are actual WarHero Rank you get a whole colored crystal...:rolleyes:

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Patch 1.2 WarHero Set Requires no Rating thus free Best in slot for all if you are actual WarHero Rank you get a whole colored crystal...:rolleyes:


dam that a slap in the face to every one that has invested time to rank up valour. Low blow from Bioware, why didnt they let people know that future PvP gear wouldnt need any ratings .


BW seem to be completely clueless about running an mmo well PvP side anyway

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grats? Gw 2 will follow in Gw1 footsteps and die.


SWTOR will follow in WAR's footsteps and die, all games die, and lol if you thing GW2 will resemble GW1 in anything but names. GW2 will kill SWTOR subs(and many other games subs).


And for those like you that need a carrot to play a game instead of playing it because its fun, GW2 won't need you. How dare they make pvp based on skill and not gear then how can i faceroll undergeared players!!!1!! Continue to let your gear and carrot carry you.

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grats? Gw 2 will follow in Gw1 footsteps and die.



Follow GW1's footsteps and die?


You mean, the MMO that was so unsuccessful, that ArenaNet folded, but they are bringing out another 1 to lose ohh so much more money? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by Vlakrar
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Back in the day ppl were willing to put time into earning gear, sadly now the entitlement generation has started playing mmo's and has ruined WOW and many other games.

The entitlement generation feels they should have everything right now with no work on a silver platter...


I dont think this is necessarily true.


Everyone feels entitled to a fair and fun experience.


Developers cant figure out a way to deliver that so they throw gear at everyone.


If I could queue for 5-10 mins for a WZ that was actually 8 on 8 and people withing 5-10% of my gear level .. I wouldn't care who had better gear than me.


As it is (was) pvp for the first week or so is not fun, at all. You are just fodder.

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SWTOR will follow in WAR's footsteps and die, all games die, and lol if you thing GW2 will resemble GW1 in anything but names. GW2 will kill SWTOR subs(and many other games subs).


And for those like you that need a carrot to play a game instead of playing it because its fun, GW2 won't need you. How dare they make pvp based on skill and not gear then how can i faceroll undergeared players!!!1!! Continue to let your gear and carrot carry you.


What are you babbling about...Gw2 will die because it has no PvE whatsoever same reason Gw1 died... And WoW is still going strong log into any server and you will see the major cities still packed...And is far as needing gear...Rated battlegrounds the best geared people fight other best geared people so i dont see this gear advantage you speak of...

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this is imo great... I love pvp! but what i hate is to be constantly outgeared by nolifers and totally owned in WZ´s knowing that with equal gear it would be totally different.



and the same goes when ive managed to get my gear (i have work/other hobbies as well so i cant play this 24/7) its also boring to curbstomp other undergeared people. so now when ive managed to get full champions+BM weapons and a few rakata items i can finally enjoy pvping! but ive always feared the time when a new tier is released and the "pro pvpers" grind until their eyes bleed only to get the sets first. as if anyone is gonna congratlate them??



is this welfare? no

is this better for overall pvp? yes

is this more balanced? yes

and so on.

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this is imo great... I love pvp! but what i hate is to be constantly outgeared by nolifers and totally owned in WZ´s knowing that with equal gear it would be totally different.



and the same goes when ive managed to get my gear (i have work/other hobbies as well so i cant play this 24/7) its also boring to curbstomp other undergeared people. so now when ive managed to get full champions+BM weapons and a few rakata items i can finally enjoy pvping! but ive always feared the time when a new tier is released and the "pro pvpers" grind until their eyes bleed only to get the sets first. as if anyone is gonna congratlate them??



is this welfare? no

is this better for overall pvp? yes

is this more balanced? yes

and so on.


You forgot to mention that people will log in do there 2 dailies and log out and most wont even do that since in 1.2 all the gear they are working for now will be replaced by war hero the no rank needed gear. Welcome to casual wars.

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grats? Gw 2 will follow in Gw1 footsteps and die.


Not only is Gw1 still alive and strong, it has a bigger community than swtor and better pvp


As for your most recent post about GW2 not having PvE. Please get a clue.

Edited by mastersloup
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People like the OP is exactly the reason why pvp in SWToR is so horrible.. the systems are fine (decent), but the players and their way of thinking is simply just horrible.. The whole "treadmill in pvp", and only playing for gear progress ruins pvp :/.


Can we please do pvp cause pve is boring, and just have fun :)?

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What are you babbling about...Gw2 will die because it has no PvE whatsoever same reason Gw1 died... And WoW is still going strong log into any server and you will see the major cities still packed...And is far as needing gear...Rated battlegrounds the best geared people fight other best geared people so i dont see this gear advantage you speak of...


Weird, i guess over 1500 dynamic events and the, quote from press beta testers, "hardest dungeons I've ever encountered" don't count? Oh noes they dont have traditional raids that are more about bickering, setup time, and loot arguments then actual time spent killing dragons.


Its funny how people complain about WoW and other games because its the same old thing(gear ladder and raids) and they want something new, but when a game comes out that has new ideas and features those same people complain that this game doesn't have the thing in it that made me leave my old game.


Honestly i dont know why i'm even posting in this thread, you and your 7 friends can play against the other 100 people in SWTOR that are left after GW2 releases, it won't hinder my enjoyment.

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What are you babbling about...Gw2 will die because it has no PvE whatsoever same reason Gw1 died... And WoW is still going strong log into any server and you will see the major cities still packed...And is far as needing gear...Rated battlegrounds the best geared people fight other best geared people so i dont see this gear advantage you speak of...


Shows how much research you did about GW2..... There will be PvE.

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You forgot to mention that people will log in do there 2 dailies and log out and most wont even do that since in 1.2 all the gear they are working for now will be replaced by war hero the no rank needed gear. Welcome to casual wars.


You fail to look more than one level out. Consider the other possibility and the consequences.


If there was rating requirements on gear, then guess what those "Casual Players" would do? They would just quit. You assume that everyone is going to conform to the way you want it to be. That is not true. Your options as it seems would be "welfare" gear or nobody to PvP against.


Also if players just log in to get their 2 dailies and log out, they will never reach War Hero anyways. Additionally, if that's the case, then PvP in general isn't fun for them and there is a MUCH bigger issue than gear.

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It is a bit unfair to be sure to those who ground this hard (and I am NOT in their company) to get to War Hero and beyond just to see gear called "War Hero" etc being handed out in this way. No matter how you slice it, it is.


This was a problem BW could easily have avoided. I have to begrudgingly agree with those I previously branded whiners (my humble apologies) that BW had no well thought out plan for pvp.


I think if pressed to the wall (and out of the public eye), BW would admit to having completely botched the implementation, which will be little solace for the hardcore.


Having said that, they learned from their errors and are trying to make up for lost time. Personally speaking, I would rather have them do this that continue down a road that would ultimately cause more PvPers to leave the game.


Here's to a better game in 1.2. And let's hope that the ranked gear really isn't all that easy to get.


To those War Heroes and Conquerors and beyond who didn't exploit their way to glory, let me say this. You should be proud of the fact that despite how monotonous pvp has been and clearly have more intestinal fortitude than most. /salute

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