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this game is terrible and there is nothing wrong with the game itself


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Now let me start off by making it clear that i am someone who almost NEVER makes posts like these.


but i am so *********** sick and tired of playing on servers where there are 5 to 10 people per planet and it is literally impossible to do ANY heroic missions or flashpoints or PVP, i thought those were aspects of the game to enjoy too but uh i guess not. i have yet to find a logical reason for the developers to open 120 servers for North America, ONE HUNDRED AND *********** TWENTY???????? like really? i can understand maybe 20, ok maybe 25, 10 pvp, 10 pve and 5 rp, sure ya there are going to be queues because they are full but at least there will be people to play with and play the game to its full potential but instead i have had to move over to the Australian servers because there are 3 and there are actually people to play with on them and im not even from there. thats ****ed up, that makes no sense that a player should have to do that for a game they pay to play online for, as it is right now i could be playing an old school non online rpg with the same content because clearly playing online "with people" isnt part of this game.


i guess i should also state that i was NOT one of the players at launch asking for more servers, at launch when i saw my server was full my thoughts were "alright, theres lots of people online to play with"


so i guess i have to wait for server transfers to become available to actually enjoy this game with is pathetic

Edited by FlappyFish
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It's the same with every mmo launch. And it will forever be the same. Because players are dumb, customers need to feel entitled, and game companies need to make money at launch to pay back the investment it takes to make an mmo.


To do this you need to make the dumb people happy past the free first month. You can't have massive queues. People will not sub and wait for hours. They don't understand that queues will naturally lesson over a short time. They don't realize that the most concurrent players in the lifetime of an mmo will most likely be on launch day. Especially not in SWTOR because this is so many players' first mmo. They have no idea what happens during the launch of an mmo, they just see a queue and think "omg I'm not paying to sit here and wait" and then they complain.


So here is exactly what has happened in the following recent AAA MMOs that I have been a part of. This exact scenario has occurred in Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, Aion, Rift, and now SWTOR:


1. You launch to massive queues because everyone is trying to play at the same time. This only happens in MMO once ever, and its only the first couple days.

2. Customer Service lines explode, forums erupt with complaints.

3. Unnecessary servers are opened, fully knowing they aren't needed and they will be dead soon.

4. Experienced mmo players roll their eyes and quickly make characters on the most populated servers knowing the result of this.

5. The queues disappear and everyone is happy for a couple weeks until people start noticing how dead servers are because there are way too many.

6. But there remain 2 or 3 full servers, the mmo vets are on them, laughing at the noobs on the ghost towns.

7. The cries for transfers and servers merges come and again the company implements them and servers are shut down and forums explode the game is dying, etc, on and on and on for every mmo that will ever exist except for one.

8. 1 year after launch the game has 25% of the servers it started with. The game is all but forgotten because 2 or 3 other failures have launched since then and had the same thing happen.


Sadly, there is no solution? Can players suck up the queue for a week at launch? Can a company hold back and stick firmly to their initial server numbers? Will a game ever launch with a server transfer feature already ready to go? I doubt it.

Edited by aarka
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he is right, I made a character on a heavy populated server just exactly as he said for the same reasons.


I think bio will allow server xfers in due time but who knows.... All I know is im down to comming on for a few hours to do dailys and pvp than I go do something else... I used to play alot more but theres just no more content and im not going to make another toon and go thru being a lowbie again

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Greetings everyone!


We always appreciate feedback, whether positive or negative. Since we have several threads on the topic of server population and in the interest of consolidating discussion, we are going to close this and ask that you please continue the discussion here:



Thank you for your understanding! :)

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