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post your servers fleet population on prime time dead game


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Why do people feel the need to make these threads in every mmo game forums? Really we don't care if you think the game is dying or not. It's almost as if you want it to die? You hate it so much that you need to come post a forum topic about it so new players will read it and be immediately turned off from the game?
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Space slug, I've been seeing the population around primetime anything between 175-225 Imp side. ~60 people per planet. Game is far from dead.


Not checked there in while but also have toon on that server...PUB side. Last time I was there prime time, it had 20 ppl. Yea, Imp side is awsome....pub side is LOL.

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You can not use the fleet to see true numbers. People are not out of it more to enjoy the game. Only time I goto fleet is to use the auction house and dungeons. Since most of the time lots more items listed and at fair prices.


Now that last part is a beef I have with the game. Player auctions should be the same for all areas. That way you do not have to fly to fleet to get items at fair prices.

Edited by Romiz
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Infinity empire: 8:04pm EST showing a "standard" population


Takes less then 5 min to do this.


China standard time(CST) shows a LIGHT population.

at the same time ASIA server shows HEAVY to FULL population.


Takes less then 1 min to do this.

Edited by oakamp
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If your doing warzones your in fleet unless out questing in between ques which isn't very good becuase you get nothing done questing.


Really i queue for PVP from my ship. Its faster when I'm getting out. I run my companions on crafting missions when I'm on my ship and run back to fleet when I need to..


Why? Because I HATE /1


I also am not out on fleet because I'm working my level 50 dailies for the Rakata Implants and Ear piece.

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I'm not suggesting their data be used as any sort of qualitative indicator as their methodology is limited in a number of ways which inhibit value for specific server analysis.....


BUT.....if you look at their macro data at the top level (ie: the server farm level) you see not only has the population trend stabilized in the last few weeks, it is actually beginning to trend upward, which is consistent with what I see when monitoring and recording the server status on the server select screen for NA server farm.


NOW, if you look only at the PvP server subset, they are bleeding. And I will bet that a lot of the whining and complaining on the forum about dead servers is directly attributed to PvP servers.

Edited by Andryah
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Really i queue for PVP from my ship. Its faster when I'm getting out. I run my companions on crafting missions when I'm on my ship and run back to fleet when I need to..


Why? Because I HATE /1


I also am not out on fleet because I'm working my level 50 dailies for the Rakata Implants and Ear piece.


You know what? I never thought of doing this. I can't believe it but I just never have. It makes sense. I will start parking my toon on the ship when I'm not exploring.

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i'm pretty sure this game is daying fast, well here we go. This is just some fact so we can share to see wich server has most ppl at prime time.



Artho city eu


time is 20:40 sunday


date 03-04



population rep fleet: 65


this thread is super new and original i have not seen at least 400 others exactly like it!!!!



Great job op!!!!!

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i just wanted to find a server full of activity, thats why i started this thread i like the game but i can't do much when my server has so low pop, yes in the fleet, some days you have to wait for hours to find tank/healer. the only thing left then is to do some pvp most of the ppl i have talked to in the server claims the same thing. that the fleet shows how much ppl activity there is in a server, i just wanted to find a server were the activity is high. when u want to do your dailys u don't want to be spamming /1 for hours just to find 1-2 person, and see that the group falls apart couse of the lack of ppl in the server (rep fleet)
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264 people on fleet 10 mins ago. Nothing wrong with population. Infact its getting bigger all the time.


Uhu, because you're on a Heavy+ server. People are fleeing Light/Standard servers to get more people to play with. Basically - Heavy servers are growing, Light/Standard servers are shrinking.


That wasn't so difficult, was it?

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264 people on fleet 10 mins ago. Nothing wrong with population. Infact its getting bigger all the time.


Senator Constipex primtime during the last week, average number of players on fleet at 18.00 and 19.00: 9~ (rounded down from 9,32).


Stop generalizing please, it's pretty stupid.

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Your way of measuring population is incredibly flawed Op, first of all, you took only half the population of the server, on one faction side.


Second you only took it from one place in the entire game, out of so many planets, you assume you can measure it off of one space station.


Third, you place the entire fate of the game taken from one flawed measurement from ONE server, when there are so many server, the only accurate way of predicting the fate of the game would be taking at least 10 and averaging the population.


If troll: well played


If serious: owned

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