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Here are some tips I think would really do good to the SWTOR community.


1. More species. Kel' Dor, Cathor, Tagruta.

2. More PVP options/arenas.

3. Compatible with Mac.

4. More helmets/masks/facial armor for Jedi.

5. More hair options.

6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ABILITY TO TOGGLE HOOD OFF OR ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. More freedom of trade/less binding of items

8. Better roll system.

9. Bigger group limit. (ex. 12)

10. Bigger flashpoints, as in a full group of 12 charge in to completely a REALLY hard quest, and there should be like 1 or 2 per world.

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Here are some tips I think would really do good to the SWTOR community.


1. More species. Kel' Dor, Cathor, Tagruta.

2. More PVP options/arenas.

3. Compatible with Mac.

4. More helmets/masks/facial armor for Jedi.

5. More hair options.

6. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ABILITY TO TOGGLE HOOD OFF OR ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. More freedom of trade/less binding of items

8. Better roll system.

9. Bigger group limit. (ex. 12)

10. Bigger flashpoints, as in a full group of 12 charge in to completely a REALLY hard quest, and there should be like 1 or 2 per world.


ok, lets see:


1) I agree. it's been discussed. first they're opening the existing species to both sides. Then we'll see from there.


2) I disagree, but that's because I don't particularly like PVP, the attitudes it inspires, the players it inspires, or a majority of the rude players who participate.


3) It's not? Wasn't there just a set of screenshots on the main page from running it on Mac? I might be mistaken on this.


4) What Jedi in the movies wore a mask or facial armour? Or a helmet? They're supposed to be diplomats above some of their fighting duties, and talking is a part of that.


5) This seems counter to point #4. I still agree.


6) We can disable the visiblity of headwear already. it's under the graphics options in the game's preference menu.


7) The binding on items serves a purpose. While I agree that it's pretty tightly controlled in this game, letting a lot of items work for other characters who weren't at the point when it was rolled for/picked up could unbalance the earlier part of the game.


8) Need before Greed works pretty well IMO. What other or better roll system would you suggest?


9) How big are Ops Groups? The largest normal group size I've seen in an MMO is 8 back in City of. And i didn't like it. With that many people, the action is too much, it's hard to see what's going on with that many powers being used. The point in this game is that your group is like a guerrila group or a surgical strike team, and those aren't improved by numbers. Especially since a lot of flashpoints are inside of buildings and/or closed envirionments? You also don't explain how the content would scale for larger groups. More enemies? Harder enemies? Would the Flashpoints become too tough for small groups if it scaled for larger ones?


10) Oh. You _were_ referring to Ops Groups. Do you have a character at 50 yet? I would say to try to get one up there and see if you can get into one of the "raids" eventually. It might satisfy your desire for a larger group.


Overall, I agree with most of your suggestions, but there are few areas that you might want to provide more details.

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