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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

End game PvP gear needs buff to stats/expertise


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People mixing BM & Rakata gear is an annoying trend, and frankly, one that needs to be put to rest.


I get that Fresh 50s don't want to get ROFLSTOMPED, but the entire purpose of having distinctly PvP gear is that it's more suited for PvP, and thus, only attainable through PvP. Having to do PvE content for the purposes of having the best suited gear for PvP is absurd, and something that needs to be fixed.

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Yet without any Exp it STILL takes 4 people to kill me. Unless it's the one Ops from my server whom I do not know how to counter yet. I play my Class well. Only die if I'm Zerged and CCed to death.


I'm not commenting on your skill, since I've never played with you. All I'm saying is you'd improve by wearing PvP gear due to the nature of the trauma debuff.

Edited by Yare
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I use full Columi(Got Rakata Boots Last Raid Night) and I barely die in PvP, least 0-3 times a WZ. I'm also a Healer, against premades I die up to 5 times when focused down. Until I hit BM I have no use for PvP Gear, I get up to 200k-600k Healing done depending on the WZ with my PvE Gear.


I read people say things like this all the time and I assume you're the squishy healing sorc who I love to target. Bad DPS and bad players make some people more comfortable than they need to be - I can't wait for rated WZs :)


4+ people not killing you is them making mistakes, as well as a combination of your play. but two half brained DPS should be able to drop you. Most people blow their loads early though, using an interupt at the worst time or droppign their stun as soon as they start on you (i.e. a sorc opening with a stun, lol.)

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Yet without any Exp it STILL takes 4 people to kill me. Unless it's the one Ops from my server whom I do not know how to counter yet. I play my Class well. Only die if I'm Zerged and CCed to death.


I call this BS. Without exp healer is nothing.

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Yet without any Exp it STILL takes 4 people to kill me. Unless it's the one Ops from my server whom I do not know how to counter yet. I play my Class well. Only die if I'm Zerged and CCed to death.


Nope. Full rakata sorcs I can eat solo in a matter of seconds, don't even need to interrupt everything I can, my burst alone is enough. Love people with no exp as I can easily do 12-13k in a matter of 3gcds. Have fun healing that.

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I've got a few screenies lying around, I just don't know how to add them to my posts(If you can tell me how I'll throw em up). It might also be that my server is full of bads. Once in Voidstar at had two Sins attack me, so I stunned one then force sped into a corner put my back to it then dps one down and healed myself while tricking them into interrupting my small heal.
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Considering they are adding a new tier of PvP gear, i can see potential issues if they dont get it right. Either the main stats need to be a significant improvement over BM (which will bring its own forum crying) or the expertise level needs to be about +15-20 per item over BM so that we see some kind of definite preference for being full PvP gear in PvP.


It shouldnt even be a consideration to not use PvP gear for PvP, so they have dropped the ball as things stand currently.

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"end game" pvp gear 3 months into the MMO?


lol. trolololol I hope


I said "end game PvP gear" for now. Can you read? If your Iq is low i gonna tell you what that means. End game pvp gear for now with "" sign means that BM is the highest gear you can get in PvP for now. thats why i said for now.


Stupid troll is stupid

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Yet without any Exp it STILL takes 4 people to kill me. Unless it's the one Ops from my server whom I do not know how to counter yet. I play my Class well. Only die if I'm Zerged and CCed to death.


it doesnt TAKE 4 people to kill you, thats just how many they used. Also, if i catch a healer with NO expertise they WILL die garunteed in a few short seconds. i will hit a pve geared player for at least a 6k smash. i do it every day a free comes into a BG thinking "My Rakkata gear is better because i do more dps!" yep sir, enjoy the smash plus the extra 12% dmg to your face with no mitigation.

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I read people say things like this all the time and I assume you're the squishy healing sorc who I love to target. Bad DPS and bad players make some people more comfortable than they need to be - I can't wait for rated WZs :)


4+ people not killing you is them making mistakes, as well as a combination of your play. but two half brained DPS should be able to drop you. Most people blow their loads early though, using an interupt at the worst time or droppign their stun as soon as they start on you (i.e. a sorc opening with a stun, lol.)


I once held out against two Marauders even if it wasn't for very long, I'll admit that was a damn close until they finally had me on lockout. Both of them landing about 4k crits from their AoE was devastating and hard to keep topped off from.

I'm not trying to make myself sound god-like if that's how it seems. I'm just explaining how it's been from my experience.

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it doesnt TAKE 4 people to kill you, thats just how many they used. Also, if i catch a healer with NO expertise they WILL die garunteed in a few short seconds. i will hit a pve geared player for at least a 6k smash. i do it every day a free comes into a BG thinking "My Rakkata gear is better because i do more dps!" yep sir, enjoy the smash plus the extra 12% dmg to your face with no mitigation.


I prefer the challenge anyway, makes me better overall when learning how to counter a class.

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The dmg output from a full geared rakata, will not feel the 15% dmg reduce from a BM geared player. Cause the stats on rakata is so supurior to BM.


Expertise needs a buff, no doubt about that.


What gives you the impression that the stats on Rakata are all that different from the stats on BM? It's simply not true.

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I once held out against two Marauders even if it wasn't for very long, I'll admit that was a damn close until they finally had me on lockout. Both of them landing about 4k crits from their AoE was devastating and hard to keep topped off from.

I'm not trying to make myself sound god-like if that's how it seems. I'm just explaining how it's been from my experience.


I dont doubt you have done the things you say, but speaking as a Jugg- those people were doing it all wrong. A decent Jugg will kill any Sage/Sorc healer solo. The only options that healer has when i focus on them is run around and prolong death, stand and die faster or get help and hope i cant kill you before i run out of cooldowns.


There are two ways to kill a healer. One is burst, the other is control. Interrupt, force push, force choke, backhand. Try getting off some heals when those are cycled. Also try running away when push resets leap and we can spam snares on you...

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Stats on BM most classes - crit

Stats on Rakata most classes - power


also BM is more balanced were as Rakata is more class specific, example, rakata sin gear is more geared for damage and BM sin gear is more for hp/dmg.

1.2 gives you the ability to rip out mods from pretty much anything anyway so problem solved.


Get rakata gear, rip out mods, put it in BM gear, DONE


Since pretty sure bm gear the gear stat is expertise not the mod stat.

Lower lvl (under 50) pvp gear the stat is in the mods.


-shrugs- just an idea

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Stats on BM most classes - crit

Stats on Rakata most classes - power


also BM is more balanced were as Rakata is more class specific, example, rakata sin gear is more geared for damage and BM sin gear is more for hp/dmg.

1.2 gives you the ability to rip out mods from pretty much anything anyway so problem solved.


Get rakata gear, rip out mods, put it in BM gear, DONE


Since pretty sure bm gear the gear stat is expertise not the mod stat.

Lower lvl (under 50) pvp gear the stat is in the mods.


-shrugs- just an idea


This is completely untrue. Rakata gear and BM Gear have all the same mods and enhancements already, so the amount of secondary stats like crit and power are exactly the same piece by piece. The only differences between Rakata and BM are set bonuses and the armorings, which are roughly 20 extra of your mainstat and 20 extra endurance versus 50 expertise on the BM set.

Edited by Yare
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What gives you the impression that the stats on Rakata are all that different from the stats on BM? It's simply not true.


About ~250 end and 200-300 mainstat over the entire set of gear.


Thats pretty significant all on its own.

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This is completely untrue. Rakata gear and BM Gear have all the same mods and enhancements already, so the amount of secondary stats like crit and power are exactly the same piece by piece. The only differences between Rakata and BM are set bonuses and the armorings, which are roughly 20 extra of your mainstat and 20 extra endurance versus 50 expertise on the BM set.


Expertise is point-for-point traded, so if there is 50 expertise on an item, then 50 points of end/mainstat are missing, in toto.

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Out from what you wrote, you cant have played PvP much.


BM gear stats need a buff, same with expertise, so ppl wont favor almost full rakata gear in warzone. Ppl started with 2 pieces of rakata mixed with BM, but i see more and more players go over to 4 pieces ++, just cause its give more dmg and more HP. Expertise is broken cause of DR. 300 expertise or 600, cant feel any diffrence.


And to the guy above me, i do raid, have full rakata. I go 4 pieces of rakata rest BM. have 300 expertise and do more dmg than a full BM geared with 600 expertise, and NO, i dont die alot. so you are wrong. Ive tested it. maybe you should tast before comment to.


The only difference between PvP and PvE is the armoring and set bonuses. The armoring is budgeted at the exact same level but it trades endurance and main stat for expertise.

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Expertise is point-for-point traded, so if there is 50 expertise on an item, then 50 points of end/mainstat are missing, in toto.


not true, see:



50 expertise





24 endurance 18 willpower


All the other pieces from every set are about the same. Like I said on average it's about 20 mainstat and 20 endurance versus 50 expertise.

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About ~250 end and 200-300 mainstat over the entire set of gear.


Thats pretty significant all on its own.


It's significant but in no way as good as the 650 expertise you're losing by going 13 pieces of rakata. But what I was responding to there was that guy's repeated claim that Rakata gear is somehow better itemized than BM when in fact they have exactly the same amount of every secondary stat.

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What gives you the impression that the stats on Rakata are all that different from the stats on BM? It's simply not true.


what gives me the impression lol? are you trolling? I got full rakata and full bm. Its more cunning and endurance on the rakata ones, and lower on BM pieces. Cant you see that.


I will any time take more cunning power than expertise. thats were expertise fails. Ppl go for higher stats? more dmg/HP than the expertise


Even the mods on champ gear is better than BM mods for some classes.


I go into WZ with full rakata. 19k HP unbuffed/800+ power/ 1800 cunning. Then i put on my BM gear with accrucy(fail) 17k HP undbuffed/ 730power/1650 cunning... HELLO??

Who wouldnt take 4 pieces of rakata in warzone instaed of BM gear?

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It's significant but in no way as good as the 650 expertise you're losing by going 13 pieces of rakata. But what I was responding to there was that guy's repeated claim that Rakata gear is somehow better itemized than BM when in fact they have exactly the same amount of every secondary stat.


I dont care to get into the argument again, but you end up with more eHP and more damage. Better? No. Almost a total wash? yes. Not to mention because of the DR almost all that expertise over 500 is a total waste.


honestly, people have expertise backwards. They th ink it is there to make PvP gear better for PvP - it isnt. It's there to make the easier-to-acquire PvP gear bad for PvE. If you never PvP and have full Rakata you can enter a WZ and hang with people in Champ gear (and, by extension, BM gear since it is a completely negligible stat gain over the entire set) with no trouble at all..


but if you're in full BM and trying to do Nightmare Mode ops - you're nothing but a giant liability.


And yes, the people who think Rakata is somehow itemized better when its the exact same mods/enhancements in every piece.. not sure where that comes from. Both sets are itemized like steaming dog poo.

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I dont care to get into the argument again, but you end up with more eHP and more damage. Better? No. Almost a total wash? yes. Not to mention because of the DR almost all that expertise over 500 is a total waste.


honestly, people have expertise backwards. They th ink it is there to make PvP gear better for PvP - it isnt. It's there to make the easier-to-acquire PvP gear bad for PvE. If you never PvP and have full Rakata you can enter a WZ and hang with people in Champ gear (and, by extension, BM gear since it is a completely negligible stat gain over the entire set) with no trouble at all..


but if you're in full BM and trying to do Nightmare Mode ops - you're nothing but a giant liability.


And yes, the people who think Rakata is somehow itemized better when its the exact same mods/enhancements in every piece.. not sure where that comes from. Both sets are itemized like steaming dog poo.


You only have more effective HP without anyone healing you, if you're PvPing without any form of healing - you're bad or solo queuing. If you want to argue there's an infintesimally small advantage to wearing PvE gear only when solo queuing and no healers on your team - you go right ahead. But lets not pretend it's anything else. As soon as you factor in any healing, eHP is vastly superior with expertise.

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