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Does this Hybrid Build work ?


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I am building a commando, and I was wondering if this build would work. I do mainly PvE, and some PvP. I like the idea of being versatile, when I need to be a healer, I would just switch from Amor Piercing Cell to Combat Support Cells.




Give me any tips or suggestions on how this could be improved, or if it works at all.



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Problem with your build is that you have points in talents the require different Cells to be loaded. Either you run with Combat Support Cell OR Armour Piercing. A gunnery heavy hybrid would need to run with Armour Piercing cell to be effective I think. So either you do:


Gunnery Hybrid:



That you run with Armour Piercing cell and Cell Charger for extra ammo (crit is important). I would personally not put a single point in Cover Fire. Either you do it full or not at all.. 50% won't be reliable and pointless. Plus I've never found that talent of use due to the situations when you use Full Auto. Full Auto is very good, but the slowing down don't work.


Healing Hybrid:



Here you run with Combat Support Cell loaded to get the both the extra healing, damage reduction etc. While you still have Grav Round giving a bit of extra punch. Some people would probably put points in First Reponder instead of Cell Capacitor. Personally I can't see Alacrity doing much difference.




The problem with commado hybrids (and maybe all hybrids) is that you're just mediocre, you lack the real punch. The top talents might look lack lustre and boring but they make all the difference when you crit. I've only tried Assault and Gunnery hybrid and it's fun but you're not very effective.


For example on gunnery it's Demolition Round (5% extra dmg per gravity vortex on target) and Curtain of Fire. Specially Curtain of Fire is amazing, when I used to run as Gunnery each tick of Full Auto would hit for 1000-1300 (that's 3x ticks per use of full auto i think).


All in all.. yes you can use a hybrid build, some do fairly well with it. But you won't ever be the best healer OR do the highest DPS.

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