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I DON'T understand Jaesa.


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Sith Warrior Chapter 1 Spoiler below



I wrote a long thread only to lose it when my window crashed... sigh. I will write briefly this time around.










I've been playing in the complete dark side.


When I first met Jaesa, I chose dialogues so she did not read her master's nature while she read mine which was full of dark emotions.


After I defeated her, she asked me why I didn't deliver the killing blow. I told her that I might be toying with her. And she said the following which is so weird that I'm completely lost...


"I don't think so. I think I understand now. Your actions ONLY REFLECT LIGHT(*1). You APPEAR TO BE(*2) an agent of the dark, but it's a mask. But master Karr ALSO WEARS A MASK(*3). And his deception is a much.... uglier one."


Then she goes on, "blah blah blah, thus I want to join the dark side.(*4)"




1*. I killed her friends, former master, and parents. She suddenly thinks I'm a good guy because I did not kill her at once? Is she brain dead?


2* Right before the fight she read my mind using her power, and it was full of filthy emotions. Is she goldfish, forgetting something that quickly?


3* She did not read into her master's mind, and believe that I'm responsible for turning her master into an abomination with torture. Now she suddenly think her master has been deceiving her. Is she a psycho?


4* She has been babbling about how I'm actually a good guy because I murdered her parents and tortured her master, and how her master is a bad guy because she believes I turned his master by torture. It's already insane enough to hear, but she makes another nonsensical remark. Since she now sees that I'm actually a good guy, she wants to join the dark side? She is not making any sense at all. Is she suffering from multiple personality disorder? If so, is there going to be an ending to lock her in a psychiatric hospital?


What is this nonsense?!




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