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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Is stealth bugged?


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I snuck into a area with an elite and tried to kill him. He of course was one of those super-elites that Bioware likes to throw in from time to time just to *** PWN Jedi and I'm all cool with Bioware hating on Jedi because I have Disappearing act.


So Corso is almost dead in the first few seconds of him raining down missels on us and I pop DA. He stops attacking us and resets. I walk away and go to heal and... I'm still in combat.. I had to walk all the way out of the area, drop stealth and heal. Why? Because the moment I became visible the elite rushed towards me agroing every mob between him and us and I had to be SO FAR AWAY that they all reset before I could heal. I've had this happen SEVERAL times with elites and it's getting REALLY annoying having to go halfway across the zone just to drop combat.


Can you please make stealth, you know, one of the KEY ABILITIES OF THE CLASS actually work? That would be awesome, and you know, very, very easy for anyone with a basic understanding of code.

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I do not know what goofy rules Bio Ware uses to use stealth but it has to be one insane looking set of rules.


1. Anyone standing 30 meters in front of a boss is not a threat.

2. Anyone in stealth 80 meters away is a threat?




1. Force user can cast DoTs that do not allow Stealth, but our DoT has no effect.

2. Double standard for the Force Users being favored is not favortism according to Bio Ware?

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Let's not forget the ever so fun Vanish followed by reappearing to heal, only to watch as your NPC instantly warps to the enemy you were fighting, and resumes doing so putting you back in combat. Had this happen about 3 times now, and all were before was even possible to hit passive.



Or how about how fubar positional attacks get. Like I'm standing right behind the mob "Condition not met" my *** it wasn't met, I'm right behind the dumb thing.


Or how about "Can not see the target"....umm come again seems pretty obvious where the target is on my screen...



You know minor stuff that isn't game breaking... /sigh

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One thing i think might be an issue is if you have a DoT on you and the stealth doesn't stick because of the DoT. Every time i have had any kind of DoT on my Jedi Counselor the stealth act's funny, im still in stealth but the enemy is still red to me, but when i do not have a DoT on me the stealth works fine. Edited by Harden
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One thing i think might be an issue is if you have a DoT on you and the stealth doesn't stick because of the DoT. Every time i have had any kind of DoT on my Jedi Counselor the stealth act's funny, im still in stealth but the enemy is still red to me, but when i do not have a DoT on me the stealth works fine.


This would be the double standard I talked about.


1. Force Users can STEALTH with or with out Scoundrel DoTs on them.


2. Scoundrel can not Stealth with a DoT on them.


3. Scoundrel DoTs can be cleansed by Force Users but Force User DoTs can not be cleansed.

(Or require 4 of 5 attempts to get them off)

Edited by Metalmac
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This would be the double standard I talked about.


1. Force Users can STEALTH with or with out Scoundrel DoTs on them.


2. Scoundrel can not Stealth with a DoT on them.


3. Scoundrel DoTs can be cleansed by Force Users but Force User DoTs can not be cleansed.

(Or require 4 of 5 attempts to get them off)


I don't know why you keep repeating this rubbish...


(1) Scoundrel DOTs reliably pop Shadows out of Stealth unless the Shadow cleanses them. I pop shadows and sins back out of stealth with Vital Shot regularly.


(2) All Scoundrels can cleanse Force DOTs with (Lucky) Dodge. Again, I cleanse Sorcerer DOTs on a daily basis.

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I occasionally had trouble with stealth on my sith assassin doing something similar, when i destealth the mob would come attack me but i would still just be stuck in combat.


another thing i've noticed about stealth while playing my juggernaut is that sometimes i can see a person from like 30 yards away, its crazy. While others i have trouble finding when their really close.


i know there are talents to improve stealth but on my jugg i dont have anything to improve detection so seeing a guy in pvp 30 yards away seems kinda of not working as intended to me.

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