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Method to tell if something needs re-balancing?


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Voss is typical of some heroics. Noone leveling wants to do them because the chance of failure is way too high. Players with good enough gear don't go to Voss.


This should show up as dramatically lower completions of that heroic.

Count the relative times heroics are done on a planet and consider re-balancing the ones noone does and the ones they farm all the time. Except the daily token ones, lvl 50's getting gear will skew the numbers.

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Voss is fine.


Sheesh... you people complain the game is too easy, but when you come to a challenging part you say it's too hard and needs to be nerfed.


The thread is about how to determine if something needs re-balancing. Voss might be a candidate, might not.

Edited by Averran
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seriously.. rebalancing.. there is more to it then gear and some heroics.. can ppl play their class? MOST times its just that.... if ppl use a dif rotation a dif comp a dif person its done simple as that
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Return to First grade for reading comprehension please.

The thread is about how to determine if something needs re-balancing. Voss might be a candidate, might not.


You were complaining the heroics on Voss are too difficult. I said Voss is fine.


My reading comprehension is just fine, thank you very much.

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