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Arsenal/pyro hybrid pvp spec


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Hello everyone!


To start off im a lvl 42 merc mainly focusing on pvp. I have tried out a couple of specs so far but most of them didnt really work to their fulliest to make mercs shine as much as i wanted them to.


So after many hours of testing i decided tried mixing the firepower of tracer missile with the mobile dot nature of pyro. This is something that i came up with.



(i sure hope torhead worked :p)


I personally cant stand having to rely on procs to do something godlike. I would much rather have a constant grip of half of the proc power. That is why i chose to leave out unload talents and rail shot talents.


Let me explain why i put where. Mostly i tend to use Combustable Gas Cylider. The main reason being the excessive need for mobility on my side. I rarely find the time to stand around and cast. When i need to run the best tool is the auto shoot. With combustable gas and some talent magic it does a pretty good over time damage (670 dmg over 6 seconds at my level) which is completely off focus and at the same time slows enemy by 50%.


Incendiary missile adds additional mobility due to its dot nature. Shooting it at the enemy, and then kiting for a short while is perfectly viable while shooting the before mentioned auto attack.


The main focus of the spec is arsenal. I chose to go up the arsenal tree just high enough to get all the tracer missile goodies. I left out the unload because of its need to be fully cast for max damage output and its unreliable procs. Still, tracer missile is just as powerfull as if you specced full arsenal. This means that the main way of dealing damage still remains to be tracer missile, and if you have the opportunity you deal quite some damage with spamming it.


At the same time leaving out the high velocity gas out of the picture, i was able to take all of the beneficial talents that increase survivability and mobility.


The remaining points are really up for any personal favorite. I myself love vent heat so im tempted to put the 2 talents into the 7% heal on vent or other related talents. Or one could buff up the healing he can do to survive longer.


Rail shot is also one of the main damage dealers. It gets the buffs from both trees, and does the damage quite similar to heat seeking missiles. It does require some set up for its full potential but setting off 5 tracer missiles should not be that big of an issue). As it is another instant, its yet another mobility plus.


I do not have a set rotation to use for this spec, because the gamlay is very situational for each fight. Mostly its a good idea to keep incenderary missile active on your target at all times, spam tracer missile when you have the chance and use auto shoot every free moment you have.


I have found this spec to have quite a stong on demand burst. It is rather simple in theory, because all that you need to do is use all of your arsenal(no pun intended). Preferably set up 5 tracer missiles, incenderary missile, fusion missile, explosive dart, auto attack dot, rail shot. This together adds an immense ammount of dot and a couple of crits could cripple the oponent. Concidering that you had 5 stacks on target of TM, this burst requires only 1 cast. So you are free to spam tracer missile after you set it up, which combined with dots deals huge damage.


I think that covers it fully. I know im not level 50 yet so some of this might not work out as i wanted it to, so feel free to leave any remarks/comments/fixes to the spec.

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This spec is interesting, however you have a total of 5 points in endurance boxes which really aren't necessary at all.


Integrated cardio package - wont even let u survive someones additional auto attack, so negligible


Custom enviro suit - not really needed, the health increase is negligible.


as to what you would put these points into is up for grabs, this is an interesting spec and im all up for hybrids a lot of the time. However that being said, A LOT of what makes these individual talent trees good is the late talents. Might i suggest instead of putting the points into the 2 endurance boxes that you put the points into "Improved Vents" and/or "rapid venting". i drew this conclusion because firing off incendiaries, tracers, and fusions as well as lot of other abilities, ull rack up ur heat soo damn fast its not even funny. I could see this putting doing a TON of trucklike damage very early on in a fight, but wouldnt last very long.


just my 2 cents tho, ive played each tree at 50 religiously and the biggest issues i see with this are...


1) Heat management


2) Too little dedication on what the tree is actually giving you (e.g.: slightly good at several areas, but not powerful in any one area)

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By using a Hybrid spec you are depriving yourself of either Heat Seeker Missile or Thermal Detonator, both incredibly powerful attacks.


They are also the hardest hitting attacks either tree can use.


So you might be gimping yourself by not committing to either tree.

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I stopped reading anything you said after I saw your talent spec, its terrible. your only doing half the potential damage at any given point in time. your not using your abilities to it's full potential.


the biggest problem I have with any tracer missile/pyrotech build is the fact that tracer missile must be spammed to get those debuffs/buffs up in order for it to be a worth wild ability. and the use of combustion gas cylinder with tracer missiles is just stupid since missiles dont proc it, only blaster fire. thus your just wasting your combustion potential.

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This build will have ALOT of heat problems.


You're missing out on both Prototype Partical Accelerator and Terminal Velocity.

One of the more important talents in the trees.


PPA is a very important talent to the Pyro tree, especially since its your only way to vent heat reliably. So combining Tracer Missiles with Pyro isn't a prefered idea.


You will have some burst, but you will gimp yourself, especially since the DoT costs alot of heat aswell to keep up.

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