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Marauder Help


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I need some help/advice on how to be more efficient as a marauder. Skill tree is annihilation. Let me say one thing tho, my main problem is the games system requirements. I have horrible lag issues, but not 100% of the time.

With that being said, my other problems is i have evey single slot on my left, right, and 2 bottom quicklsots filled with attacks to use. I need to reduce my amount of different attacks to a few attacks that can be effictive. I am constantly moving my mouse from side to side on my UI to click the different attacks and it severly hinders my abilities time wise.

Really i just need someone to maybe tell me the best pvp build for a marauder and the best layout for the abilities. So i dont have to run my mouse clicker all over the place just to get a few attacks off that usually dont work because by the time i get to click the attack the player has moved on out o reach. Unless i have a target sitting in one spot, not moving i basically suck.

SO does anyone have a screenshot of their layout of skills that is easy to use? And also what pvp gear is th best for marauders? I mistakenly spent all my comms on a centurion chest peice that is no good at all, and i dont know which armors and weapons i should be trying to get...

ANy help would be appreciated because this marauder class is kicking my ***, well lets say everyone other class is kicking my marauder ***. im so frustrated sometimes i try and rip my laptop in half like a phone book only to hurt my wrists

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First of all, i saw the main problem....you are clicking attacks.

I would recommend you to start keybinding attacks, for start bind attacks that you use the most when you get hang of it start binding others.

Just a tip bind movement from wasd to esdf so you will get more keys to bind that are close.

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