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Sith Warrior Ending


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I just finished my story and was wondering where the warrior would fall in. I know were not part of the dark council but would we be on the same level as them (rank wise) or since we are like a personal assassin for the emperor would we be above them? Edited by MetallicSimpson
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I kind of get the impression that your new master is essentially the Emperor himself, so long as you believe that you are. Sort of like if you were a prophet for some form of theology. As such, you really don't report to anyone, and you interpret your missions based on the necessity of the Emperor's needs, especially acting against those that are a threat to the possibly coup.




I'd actually like to know what variances there are for decisions you make in the game and how many different endings come out of them myself.


The playthrough I got was:


Full Light Side - I recruited Jaesa as my apprentice after showing her the Dark Side in her former master. Together we plotted to take down the Sith archistructure and reorganize it in the path of Light. I made several Jedi friends who supported my decisions and offered allegiances in the Jedi Order to support me as well. At the end, I spared Baras and had him exiled to the distant reaches of the galaxy and then immediately dissolved the Dark Council, starting the foundation for my Light Side Order within the Sith Empire.



I'd very much like to see what happened with other people. The Agent I played through has a ton of various ways to come to fruition, at least 5 completely different endings based on playthroughs, all of which are based on decisions made since the very beginning of the game. I am curious if there is almost a similar amount from the Warrior story.

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The SW acts

as the Emperor's personal executioner and enforcer.He/she exists outside of the typical power structure of the Empire and answers only to the Emperor,however he/she could be slapped down by the Council in theory if the Council were to complain to the Emperor. Since the Emperor's orders trump the Council's, I don't see the SW being restrained unless he/she went off on his/her own personal mission and created a mess.


The SW is the Emperor's personal weapon, all he does is aim you at something and unleash you. In my opinion the SW is one of the most dangerous beings in the galaxy and is about to get eve more dangerous. The letter you receive from the Servants tells you to prepare to be unleashed by the Emperor to avenge the attack upon him. Taking the leash off the SW is going to make him/her a force to be reckoned with galaxy wide.



@Toogeloo- I doubt the LS ending to the SW story is the canonical one,I believe the canon endings for the Imperial classes are Dark Side.

In continuation of your story though, your SW may have dissolved the Council(I don't remember that, but I haven't played a LS SW since beta) but without the Emperor's full power behind such an order and the enforcement of it, I don't see that happening.


As for setting up your new LS Sith Order, you are only the Emperor's Wrath;which does not make you next in line to the throne. The Emperor is still alive and kicking and when he recovers and finds that you have either A. attempted to seize power or B. are attempting to drive Imperial policy towards the LS, he will squash you like a bug and select a new Wrath.


The variances in the SW story aren't as many as in the IA, you either spare or kill Baras, but in the end you are recognized as the Emperor's Wrath and all that entails.


Edited by Temeluchus
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The Dark Council explain that you're free to do anything you like and they won't try to get in your way, unless you're messing up their plans. Arguably, then, you're essentially their peer; you don't report to them, and they don't report to you. Both the DC and the Wrath report directly to the Emperor (though in the DC's case, those "reports" might be once a decade, if that often...).
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The Sith Warrior is above the Dark Council. As the Emperor's Wrath, you can police them as well -- see how they did not interfere with your challenging of Baras, despite them believing he to be the Voice of the Emperor. You can also tell them all off afterwards, and warn them that the status quo they're comfortable with is no more. At that point, they simply bow and acknowledge you.


Now, that isn't to say you're so far above them they're inconsequential. Mano e mano, the Sith Warrior is probably the strongest being in the Empire, second only to the Emperor (for now, anyway). But the Dark Council are all personally puissant, not to mention they have decades of politicking backing them up. They have slaves, servants, assassins, wealth, contacts, influence. Sure, the Sith Warrior could hunt down and slay an errant Dark Council member.. but trying to usurp them all and take power would be significantly more difficult, if not impossible.


Really, at this point the SW should just go make himself an army while beating down the Empire's enemies. Story expansions for our favorite Emperor's Wrath should focus on putting down rebellions, assassinating key figures to destabilize the galaxy, assaulting Jedi fortifications, enslaving worlds, etc. Then you can wander back later to Dromund Kaas.

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