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Got my 'Space Ship' and new droid Companion


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Ok, so I have my new droid companion. I can figure out from reading some forums and looking the the skills section about what my new Droid Companion can equip. He has a slot for a 'ranged weapon'. But Ive tried all types of weps and nothing works. Any clue what kind of weapon he uses? Can he Learn weapon skills?
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I dont think he can equip weapons, i dont think he can travel with you either


You can send him on missions or get him crafting, but otherwise he cant leave the ship as far as im aware.


He does say that as part of the cut-scene's...

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commendation vendors seem to sell droid armor cores and ranged weapons they can use. the equiptment ones that is.


That's cause the Agent and the Trooper have combat companion droids. The one that comes on your ship tells you himself he does not have combat capabilities.


He's one hell of a mission guy though, send him to do your crew skill missions so he doesn't rust on your ship.

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Droids which come with the ship stay in the ship. Other 5 companions can go with you anywhere. That's what he was saying.


How have I had my protocol droid follow me around then? Were his heals in my head? I don't remember taking any drugs. Did they changed it after beta?

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How have I had my protocol droid follow me around then? Were his heals in my head? I don't remember taking any drugs. Did they changed it after beta?


No, they havent. You can take him with you and can equip droid heavy armor on him... but he has no weapon skills whatsoever, so he can't fight. He has like 3 healing skills though... quite useful if you play a DD.

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How have I had my protocol droid follow me around then? Were his heals in my head? I don't remember taking any drugs. Did they changed it after beta?


You CAN take them with you. But they are NOT combat droids so don't expect it to shoot anything. (As the questions is about arming him) Just wait for your proper combat medic companion if you want a healing companion.

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Droids which come with the ship stay in the ship. Other 5 companions can go with you anywhere. That's what he was saying.


You can summon 2V-R8 in the field, he will heal you.


I dabbled with him in beta, he's quite effective as a no fight, all heal kind of companion. Usually if I die it's because Malavai is too busy shooting something instead of healing me. What a nooby companion :p

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