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Bounty hunter or inquisitor


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I cant decide to be a bounty hunter or inquisitor. Bounty hunter has range (which I like) ,but assassins do good dps (which I also want) sorcerers i dont really like b/c i dont like healing. While mercenaries have duel weild pistols and good dps, powertech has good armor and decent dps. Please help me decide and feel free to correct anything about the classes that I missed or got wrong. :sy_bountyhunter: or :hope_02:
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I cant decide to be a bounty hunter or inquisitor. Bounty hunter has range (which I like) ,but assassins do good dps (which I also want) sorcerers i dont really like b/c i dont like healing. While mercenaries have duel weild pistols and good dps, powertech has good armor and decent dps. Please help me decide and feel free to correct anything about the classes that I missed or got wrong. :sy_bountyhunter: or :hope_02:


I've played a BH (Mercenary: Healing Tree) to 50 (& continuing to play her) and an Inquisitor (Sorceror: Healing Tree) to 43 so far. now you said you don't like healing and that's fine but you can ignore the healing tree altogether and just go up the DPS trees. Which can work because the lightning is really cool. I wouldn't exclude a class outright because they are typically healers since you can go the dps route on them as well.


Both Mercs and PTs use heavy armor so they each have good armor, it just depends on the mods and or how geared you stay on them. So if you'll be looking at it from an armor standpoint, I wouldn't say it matters which of the ACs you choose.


I do have an assassin but she's only lvl 12 so I can't really comment on her dps. :p I was going to try the tank tree with her though.


I'm a bit tired but the point I've been trying to make is that if you're only considering DPS, you can go with any of them. If you want to be a bit more sturdy while doing so, BH would be your best bet since the SI can only wear light armor as far as I'm aware.


Both classes have what I consider a selfish story. That's not a bad thing and may even be a big draw for you depending on your preferences. Both stories are focused on you, your rise to fame and glory etc. Admittedly, I haven't gotten to the very end of the SI story like I did with BH but I'm getting there. In both of them, I found the events of the stories to be exciting but in the big picture it didn't seem like a huge deal. I didn't feel like I had an epic impact on the galaxy at large. I did feel (in both cases) that I overcame huge obstacles and grew into a powerful and emotionally developed person.


I don't know that I had specific expectations story wise but I just kind of felt that I should have done more to affect the setting rather than obsess over myself.


It may sound like I'm knocking on the stories but I did really enjoy both. It's just that with my IA, I feel like I'm doing more for the Empire than I did with BH and SI.


So IMO, both classes you're looking at have good stories and fun abilities. I don't know you obviously but I'm guessing it'll come down to more of an armor type choice. I'll stop rambling now, sorry. :/ Hopefully though, my experiences will help you narrow down your choice. :eek:

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