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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Treasure hunting dried up..??


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Is anyone else having the problem with treasure hunting where you open the window, it's only giving you one mission to choose from and it's ALWAYS looking for a gem? I'm at 133 in the mission level 25-32 and no matter what I do I can only get the one mission for gems I don't possibly need. My character is level 25 so is it because I'm new to the tier? Do I need to level to unlock more? It's kinda bad that I've been forced to do the same mission ten times for junk I don't even need and no one knows why.
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Greens, too, just not the grays which don't give you any more skill points. Each mission has a minimum skill level to unlock, so you should go back to lower level missions as stated above and grind those until your top level mission pool gets larger. You'll get better returns, too, because you'll be high enough skill where the lower level missions give the "Rich" and "Bountiful" yields, though obviously they'll be for a lower grade of material.


If you don't know how to access lower level missions, it's the dropdown on the top right of the mission window.

Edited by dizzyMongoose
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Try going on to your ship, check available missions. If you don't see what you want, exit ship and check again. Also, companion affection effects your mission results, so be sure to get those gifts flowing.
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