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Key binding - What is your config?


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Hello fellow commandos, Ive been messing around with my keybinds, trying to find something that makes sense and is within easy reach..

So far its been kinda awkward, maybe if I sitck to one I will eventually get used to it,


Anyhow, thats my current setup:


(Im currently lvl 33)


E/D - Move forward/backwards

S/F - Strafe left/right




1 - Recharge cells


2 - Sticky Grenade

s+2 - Plasma Grenade


W - Full auto

s+W - Pulse Cannon


Q - Cyro Grenade

s+Q - Concusive Round


A - Hammer Shot

s+A - Explosive Round


Z - Stockstrike




4- Mortar Volley

s+4 - Hail of Bolts


R - Grav Round


V - Reactive Shield

s+V - Adrenaline Rush




T - High Impact bolt

s+T - Charged bolts


G - Medical Probe

s+G - Adv Medical Probe



s+B - Medpac


C - Concussion Charge

s+C - Diversion


Mousewheel - Tenacity



Thats it, I guess.. I think thats hard to visualise.. I will upload a ridiculously cut pic with everything I have on the quickslots:


(I know its kinda messy - position wise on the barss - but as I said earlier, I did a lot of changes to the keybinds)




Now if you could, post what configurations you use for keybinds too. Perhaps with pics too?

I definitely could use some inspiration...




I suppose I should have posted this on the commando subforums. My bad.

And I already feel the urge to bind Full Auto to 3 and Stockstrike to W... heh

Edited by Acrolepsia
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I am a lvl30 VG and at the moment my keys are mapped as follows;


WSAD- Forward, Backward, Strafe Left, Strafe Right


Shift+Q(Left Action Bar 1)- Neural Jolt

Shift+E(Left Action Bar 2)- Sonic Round

Shift+R(Left Action Bar 3)- Relic 1

Shift+T(Left Action Bar 4)- Relic 2

Shift+F(Left Action Bar 5)- Unmapped

Shift G(Left Action Bar 6)- Medpac


Mouse has 4 extra buttons that I use; 2 buttons on the left, near the thumb) that I use only for switching between Action bar Page 1 and 2. The mousewheel can be tapped to the left and right.


Mouse 4- Action bar Page 1

Mouse 5-Action Bar page 2

Mousewheel right tap- Riot Strike

Mousewheel left tap- cryo grenade


Most the other abilities I got mapped between 1 through 6 and Q,E,R,T,F and G between page 1 and 2. I got Tenacity mapped to F on Page 1 which is easy to get to as it is right next to my movement keys. I can easily access Riot Strike with a simple right flick of my Right Index finger which is great for interrupts as most my common abilities are on my central action bar which keeps my left hand busy.


Speeders and Recharge and Reload I do not have mapped as they are mainly out of combat abilities.

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