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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sug: A way to do DPS meters.


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There are a lot of threads about recount and DPS meters and I posted something similar to this in the main one but I don't think anyone is going to see the suggestion on page 64 of the thread between the QQing and the RAGEFACE!! posts.


The solution to the problem of DPS meters is already in the game. All you need to do is implement it -carefully-.


In PVP the system keeps track of your damage, your kills, your heals and so forth. At the end of the match you can mouse over yourself and see your DPS. But the important part is that you have to wait till the END of the match.


Why don't you just take that code and extend it to PVE but LIKE in PVP you can only see the results AFTER the match is over.


So if you are in a raid and you down a boss once you are out of combat and are healing/drinking you can pop up a recount and see what your group did but only AFTER the boss is down.


While you are in combat the meter should be off the screen completely, completely unavailable, and it should reset each combat phase. So yes, you'll be able to see your dps/heals and whatnot and yes, you'll know if you are doing well or need to work on things but in the end this method would stop people from being so hyper-competitive that they are watching the meters instead of the boss.


I think a DPS meter which is locked out until you are out of combat would go a long way to making both sides of the debate happy.

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