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Dark side companions


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Im lightside, and I didn't use him much, so I don't know exactly how his reactions play out, but you'll get one that's quite DS before the end of the game....Took a -700 or so affection hit with him due to making a LS choice towards the end.
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Yes you get a Dark side Tank pet as your final companion in your mid-late 40's depending on your progression through sidequests etc etc. He's very dark side, like the above poster I took 700 hit on him.


Funnything is though, he's easy to get gifts for to balance that out. I have all my companions at 10k affection and he was the 3rd one to get there even after a lot of heavy deductions from lightside choices.

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The later you get a companion the bigger the affection gains...(losses are usually still small, which is why that -700 stood out so much) ...makes up for the limited time you have them. Edited by Inspecter
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Pretty much the first three companions you get are all goodies.

Your fourth companion is more neutral seems to like it when you're out there wasting people (although I don't know his views of psychotic cruelty and the such).

Your fifth companion will probably fit best with Dark Side option.

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