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Star Wars more aimed for adults?


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How awesome do you guys think a Star Wars movie more aimed at adults... For example, a movie based more around the Sith than the Jedi. There are so many great sith books out there... What do you guys think?
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How awesome do you guys think a Star Wars movie more aimed at adults... For example, a movie based more around the Sith than the Jedi. There are so many great sith books out there... What do you guys think?


It wasn't aimed for anyone I think...... all joking aside, the prequels were just a mess, going from slapstick to drama, action to silliness, child oriented to mutilation by limbs getting chopped off and burning alive. ANH was for young teens, ESB was for adults, and ROTJ was for everyone.


With the prequels... if it was for kids, they wouldn't have such scenes of violence, Anakin massacring children, dull political jargon. It was just a mess, probably filmed based off of Lucas' frame of mind he was in that day.

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George Lucas said once in an interview that the movies were intended for children. He was surprised when many adults enjoyed them as well. This is what I've heard and been quoted at a few times at least. Edited by ttdub
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George Lucas said once in an interview that the movies were intended for children. He was surprised when many adults enjoyed them as well. This is what I've heard and been quoted at a few times at least.


I dont put any credibility in what he thinks. Im sure he thought the "Nooo" at the end of ROTS was supposed to be dramatic, but it was actually funny

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Not trying to argue, but he did come up with the idea, so he knows what it was made for, and come on, he's made some mistakes, but without George Lucas, there wouldn't be Star Wars. I'll take his changes if it means I still get Star Wars.
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From George Lucas's standpoint, it was aimed at children as a primary audience. But that doesn't mean anything, really. The Hobbit novel was written as a children's book, but adults love it.


And no, I wouldn't like the films to be another serious, bloody adult film series. I like to think of them as family friendly films that appeal to everyone. Something you can sit down and watch with your kids.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What Lucas says today


isn't what he said yesterday


get it?


he says alot of things that contradict what he says later...but then he stamps it with the over-ride CANON sticker


Unaltered Classic Trilogy > everything else

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By the way


Creating a story revolving entirely around a pure evil antagonist in the starwars universe, while already setting people's expectations to follow an overall arcing plot and character motivations revolving around meaningful themes that we can relate to (prequels aside)


a story following the sith anti-hero with starwars in it's current state would have absolutely no purpose except for countless pointless betrayals and slaughter that's connected to the one and ONLY story element to it........He wants to be more powerful.....Oh JEEZE how obvious was that one?


Adult Audience?


first we need a time machine, go back, tell Lucas to make SW Ep 7 following LUKE SKYWALKER AND HAN SOLO

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Funny i figured a movie based around the sith would be something kids would love.


i mean what are sith really, people that think they are the super cool best thing in the universe.. alot like teenagers anymore, then the sith dress all emo and hate everything, a lot like teenagers anymore, and then when i sith dose not get their way and everything is not exactly as they think it should be they throw tantrums, a lot like kids now a days.

Edited by soulself
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