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What end game? Playing this game starting to feel like a chore.


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Not one of the planets ever gave me any feeling or atmosphere or meaning...Even the Jedi temple was kind of a let down.


But that could just be me.


I agree some planets have been pretty blah, like Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa. I really enjoyed Taris and Tython though. Of course, I'm new to the game and have only been on Tython, Coruscant, Taris and Nar Shaddaa. Nar Shaddaa was basically just like it was in KOTOR, which is understandable since BioWare started the KOTOR line.


I never played WoW so I can't say anything for myself, but I can definitely see how this game progresses faster than other games. This is because of the focus on story. If players leveled up more slowly there either has to be a lot more story to make up for it or players would need to spend time grinding inbetween story.


Either way is bad for BioWare because it would mean creating a lot more story to fill the gaps, or let players forget the story progression to grind.


The game needs to progress this way in order to fulfill BioWare's ambitions.

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And somehow, less linear, if that's possible.


And was it just me or did all the planets feel bland and one-dimensional as well?


Tatooine...big desert.


Hoth...big frozen desert.


And a bunch of others I barely remember because they were that boring.


Not one of the planets ever gave me any feeling or atmosphere or meaning...Even the Jedi temple was kind of a let down.


But that could just be me.


I think it partly comes down to personal taste. But also, some perspectives may be shared by a portion of the playerbase.


With specific regards to Tatooine and Hoth, they are supposed to be deserts of their respective types. I personally think those particular gameworlds should have been even bigger. But that's just my opinion.


However, in regards to the other worlds, I do share your sentiment about them having a lack of atmosphere / soul / meaning. to me, I just don't feel like I'm inside a virtual recreation of the Star Wars universe.


The "planets" could effectively have been in any sci-fi / sci-fantasy based MMO and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference much.

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The problem is that they have all these planets, and we are stuck on Fleet, Ilum and Belsavis at 50. Each of the planets should have a level 50 questing area.


I think perhaps Bioware were trying to keep end-gamers together in one place so they can find groups for things like flashpoints, warzones and operations. Unfortunately, that very process sticks them in one place.


The other side of the coin is that if there were numerous end game zones to hang out in, then the population of end-gamers would be dispersed somewhat. Perhaps giving people an even greater feeling like the population is low.


It's a catch 22 situation.


One thing is for sure, I hate the notion of the fleet being the faction "city". It's so....bland. Not to mention the fact that I'm sick of hearing that damned cantina music in the centre of the station.

Edited by Tarka
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You do realize that its like this in every MMO right? I felt like that a month into t11 and t12 in WoW. This game has just as much to do at Endgame as anything out there right now honestly. Perhaps you are burned out of the Genre....
Just because Blizzard crapped all over WoW doesn't mean it's healthy for the genre to do the same to other games.
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...The other side of the coin is that if there were numerous end game zones to hang out in, then the population of end-gamers would be dispersed somewhat. Perhaps giving people an even greater feeling like the population is low...


Simple solution, really, different planet lvl 50 quests open on different days. Crisis popping up on different planets at different times. Planet X, Y, and Z on Monday-Tuesday, Planet A, B and C on Wednesday and Thursday...etc.

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If you don't like it, then don't play.


I like it, I'm going to keep playing.


There are actual forums for Constructive Input here, not just General.


So as this is General, not Constructive, is it hate? Troll? Or is it ..well.. you know.

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Hello everyone,


We do appreciate when anyone has taken the time to express their thoughts and concerns. We will be closing this thread, as there is little room for constructive discussion. However, we do value any feedback and do encourage anyone to voice their feedback on the forums. We only ask that feedback focus on Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ itself, and that it is constructive and as detailed as possible.


We thank you for your time and your understanding that we've closed this thread.

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