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6 Years of development = 3 months of gameplay?


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this game is bad, on its way to F2P..if that fails itll be shut down to cut losses.


ATM they are just biding their time to get as much money back as possible before they jump ship.


FANBOIS = hahahahahahaha


that's some good drugs you're smoking.

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If you have full BM and full Rakata already you need to find other hobbies in life.


If you prefer to play video games all day a Korean MMO grinder may be more your style.


I am perfectly fine with the pace in this game. I PvP, I raid and I play about 3 nights a week. I am not anywhere near your level of progression.


I agree that Bioware needs to keep adding content but if you burned through ALL the content already that is your fault, not bioware.

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We know that the issues of server population and gameplay at level cap are topics of high interest to many of our players. These conversations are already in progress in a few threads, if you would like to post your thoughts:


server population: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753

guilds at level cap: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=307189

endgame: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=306748


We will be closing this thread now. Thank you for your feedback and for you cooperation in keeping our forums a little better organized!

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