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Dev: Why exclude other Asian countries???


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So roll up a new character on the new servers! I'm an Australian and I have to do this anyway because I registered as US in order to use my US credit card (the only one that worked with EA's crappy payment software).


You aren't excluded from playing on the new servers. SWTOR has what is perhaps the easiest path 1-50 of any MMO ever made, so take another run through if it means that much to you.


of course I could do that. I will if I have to. But that's not the point.


Why go through it again when they CAN make my life easier, my fun funner, my hassle lesser, by opening it up to my country as well! You may have all the time to re-roll should you want to but I really don't want to go through the exact same thing again with my Consular. Even if you've never re-rolled in your life but you must see what a female dog it can be right?

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