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DoTs in PvP


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Although I completely disagree with the change, it has absolutely has no affect on the viability of any one spec in PvP. Weaken Mind is the main DOT you used to prevent caps because it is an instant cast with no cooldown, and it is available for all specs. In fact, the talent to increase the DOT duration actually is in the TK tree.
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I that is true, utter rubbish. Why not kill the people DoTing and that would solve the problem. You should not make changes like that because people refuse to see whos around and call targets effective. You want to keep the game more competitive, not watered down.




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I that is true, utter rubbish. Why not kill the people DoTing and that would solve the problem. You should not make changes like that because people refuse to see whos around and call targets effective. You want to keep the game more competitive, not watered down.





So, which one of the 8 DoTing Sorcerers should I be killing first? :D

Edited by Helig
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i think this is good.. it was a bit OP for me as a sage seer being able to defend a node vs 4-5 imperials alone before back up comes.


now i guess the best way to interrupt will be a well placed force quake.. even tough its expensive its very effective when it comes to stop enemies capping.

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From my experience, both as a hybrid healing scoundrel w/ shrap bomb + my sith warrior, no one cleanses DoTs in any pvp match.


If I had a penny for every bounty hunter merc or IA op (and equiv. rep classes) that's just trying to cap that point when my shrap bomb is just ticking away at him, I would be richer than Bill Gates.


Same goes when a friendly sorc dots up some other sage and they don't try and cleanse before trying to cap. It's bloody hilarious and facepalm worthy, but no one uses their cleanse power.


Instead of players actually using something other than their tracer missile / grav round key, and cleansing that tech DoT, they just want to herp derp zomg-missile along their merry way.

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Was reading notes on a new patch and unless I am crazy or drunk or both i thought I read that DoTs will no longer prevent objective caps...So is Blance PvP spec not viable anymore ?


Balance is viable, it just lost a ton of pvp utility. It's not like it's dmg somehow got nerfed or anything, it just has to use direct dmg attacks to interupt now.


Honestly this was a rather stupid change. Not that there wasn't a problem that needed to be fixed, but because they created more problems with this solution. They killed the utility of specs like Balance, Pyrotech, and Dirty Fighting on node defense. They should have simply made it so that dots no longer interfere with taps after the dotter has died. Instead they've now rewarded zerg tappers and people who don't engage the defense present. They went from Defense being too easy to likely Offense being too easy (jury is still out on this).


With this AoE becomes the best interupt method on nodes, but that brings problems as well. Many AoE's are target capped at 3 people, and others are long cooldown one-shot abilities. Truth be told this is actually a round-about buff to hybrid spec sages. As now we are the interrupt kings since we're already the only class with spammable aoe, and get to tack on FiB and instant TKwaves to boot. IMO BW made too much of a knee-jerk reaction here, and didn't consider how it would affect the other classes.

Edited by Khadroth
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From my experience, both as a hybrid healing scoundrel w/ shrap bomb + my sith warrior, no one cleanses DoTs in any pvp match.


If I had a penny for every bounty hunter merc or IA op (and equiv. rep classes) that's just trying to cap that point when my shrap bomb is just ticking away at him, I would be richer than Bill Gates.


Same goes when a friendly sorc dots up some other sage and they don't try and cleanse before trying to cap. It's bloody hilarious and facepalm worthy, but no one uses their cleanse power.


Instead of players actually using something other than their tracer missile / grav round key, and cleansing that tech DoT, they just want to herp derp zomg-missile along their merry way.



As a PVP Seer, I constantly use cleanse (not only does it dispell, but it drops a couple hundred extra HP on the target) - but mostly on myself, because the UI is so bad I cannot always tell who has what dots during PVP. More people would use it if the dots were bloody visible.


I like this change, personally. I think maybe the APPLICATION of a dot should disrupt a cap, but not every mother-loving TICK. It's ridiculously overpowered and yes, if it's just once sorc doing it, kill him - but if it's a healing sorc and he knows what he's doing, killing him will take way too long before his backup arrives. Chances are he'll still be at half health, maybe more if you're at east/west in Civil War. Even then, it's rarely just one sorc - sages and sorcs seem to run in pairs (at least, I always seem to find a buddy, and I see other pairs) because alone we're annoying but squishy, but together we're a royal pain in the *** and hard to focus.


So, all in all, good change. Yay.

Edited by slagartist
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This new patch makes the only sage spec worth anything is healer.


The damage on hybrid, tele and balance were not high anyway. The patch makes it very difficult to defend with sages since they must continously kite to stay alive and now they cannot rely on dots to leave the battle for some time to prepare for the next attack.


I take this patch as a nerf to sages which main damage comes from dots and channeled abilities.

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This new patch makes the only sage spec worth anything is healer.


The damage on hybrid, tele and balance were not high anyway. The patch makes it very difficult to defend with sages since they must continously kite to stay alive and now they cannot rely on dots to leave the battle for some time to prepare for the next attack.


I take this patch as a nerf to sages which main damage comes from dots and channeled abilities.


You still get the damage. You also still get project, TK throw, stuns/slows, forcequake and forcewave. As a Seer, I am CONSTANTLY on the move kiting. I rarely have a GCD to spare on dps when I'm being focused, so I wasn't passing out dots much to begin with (too many GCDs, I'd be dead by the 3rd or 4th), and I can still solo-defend on a node for a good minute or two until backup arrives against 2-4 imps easy.


If this "nerf" really makes pvp hard for you, you were doing it wrong to begin with.

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