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Need help getting a new character face just right


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  • 2 weeks later...
I love the face on the Jedi in the Jedi trailer:

Jedi Knight Trailer


But I cannot find the right Body Type & Head Type combo to get close to it. Is anyone really good at character creation able to help?


ty so much :)


Her's is definitely body type 1 or 2 (leaning more towards 1). Her face is one of the "asian" templates located to the middle end of the slider. Her eye brows you need to scroll the complextion slider to match, along with skin tone, hair style and hair/eye color. Skin tone and complexion can make a world of differnce in what the face looks like. I can play around with it when I get home from work and post the exact slider numbers here if you can wait till after 8PM est.

Edited by Damon_Mott
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